What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
Good morning all, I've got a late program at the Library, so I'm having a leisurely morning. Leisurely is, of course, a relative term because I've already put in 45 minutes at the gym and gone grocery shopping...but when your body wakes you up at 6am no matter what, that's what happens - right?
No adrenaline junkie here either. I've never had the urge to fling myself out of a plane, off a bridge, or down a hill. I just don't get it.
Thanks for the support and words of encouragement yesterday. You OH peeps help keep me honest and strong and I've got my head in the game again...I think. I'm also going to call my new insurance company today to ask about coverage for therapy.
Time since surgery: 1+ year
B1 (before the gym): L&F yogurt
B2 (after the gym): coffee with creamer, omelet made with Eggbeaters, turkey sausage, and goat cheese
S: more coffee (I'm ditching diet soda, but the coffee will be torn from my cold dead hands), deli ham and almonds
L: cottage cheese double, string cheese, granola thin
S: turkey sticks and a Babybel light
D: Quest bar during a quick break from my program
S: Trek Mix, popcorn, frozen greek yogurt bar
TOTALS: Calories 1430, Protein 106, Carbs 118, Fat 74
V/W: started
E: 20 minutes Arc Trainer, 10 minutes rowing, 15 minutes elliptical
Last night my (favorite and super morbidly obese and 59 year old) aunt called me to ask about surgery. Her doctor had brought it up to her during an appointment. She's recently widowed and feeling very uncertain about it. Obviously we're at very different stages in life, but I told her about my decision process (risk of staying obese vs. surgical risk and long term risk of complications), my fears, my successes, and a little about my current struggle. I encouraged her to have an initial appointment with the surgeon recommended by her doc and learn about the program.
But honestly I feel like it was so long ago that I made my decision that I barely remember things. What do you think were the most important things you asked your surgeon pre-op? Are there things you wish you would have known to ask? Any words of wisdom to pass on to my aunt?
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
How exciting to hear about your aunt pondering surgery. Reassure her that she is not too old. I am 56 and lost about 150 pounds and have kept it off over two years now. I could loose weight easily when I was younger but I could never keep it off. This is the first time in my life that I have been able to wear the same clothes for the same season for two years. Before I always oiutgrew them. As I got older my metabolism was so sluggish I couldn't lose no matter what I did. I worked with a dietitian for 3 months prior to surgery and exercised daily and only lost 3 pounds. I was skeptical that surgery w9uld even work but I was diabetic,had constant knee and back pain,high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In short,I was miserable. Now I feel better than I did at age 20. Wish I had done it years earlier in fact! If I can do it anyone can!
I wish I would have known how much of a mental battle losing the weight (let alone keeping it off) is. When the only coping mechanism you have ever had (food) is no longer there for you what do you do?
I would love to say I had replaced turning to food with something positive like going to the gym but that hasn't been the case. I have managed to fight off the food demons but I suppose it's something that I'm still sorting out.
Good morning,
It's going to be in the 80's here again in Eastern Mass, I'm actually not dreading it like I used to now that I've dropped more than 50 lbs (since pre-op).
I am not and have never been an adrenaline junkie. I used to be very active with swimming, tennis, gymnastics, dancing, bike riding, etc. but no extreme sports for me. And at 55 I do not wish to take up any. I want to be able to play with future grandchildren (hopefully there's a ring soon and a wedding and then a grandchild, they've been dating since forever and just bought a house).
Today's menu, not much different than yesterdays.
B: Premier Protein Chocolate Shake
L: Amy's Sonoma veggie burger w/ Natures Promise Ketchup (1 tblsp)
D: ?? Probably Shrimp, but I did take out ground turkey so maybe a mini meatloaf muffin if I decide to actually cook.
S: My very last SF Jello chocolate pudding (unless my daughter eats it before I get home) guess I'll have to get more.

Here in Southern Cal it's the typical "May Gray", which will be followed by "June Gloom". Our hotter weather usually hits us hard in late August and September. Until then, I have a sweater on the back of my chair at work and just pray the A/C Arctic setting (which I used to LOVE) stays off.
I'm also not an adrenaline junkie, but in my younger days I participated in a few things. All they did was convince me that I really suck at that stuff! I got a hot air balloon ride for my birthday, which I white knuckled through all the way up to 10,000 feet for 1 hour. Upon landing, the balloon deflated too fast and the propane burners lit it on fire! Thank goodness we were back on the sweet, sweet ground by then.
I also went white water river rafting, and fell out of the boat on Horseshoe Bend, a Class 3 rapid... I tumbled head over heels for 600 feet around the bend and saw my life flash before my eyes. (After that - the jump from the 20 foot drop from the cliff-face was a breeze!)
No, I think I'll stick to watching that stuff on the Discovery Channel from now on!
Time since RNY: 3.5 months
B - Premier shake w/Cashew milk and caramel syrup
L- Small lunch salad with 1/2 hard boiled egg
S - 1 slice deli roast beef
D - 2 oz chicken and 1 babybell cheese
V/W - started
Cals - 487, Protein - 61, Carbs - 25
Enjoy your day everyone!
Hi all! It is shaping up to be a beautiful day here in Portland, and supposed to get to 85 by the weekend. I am in heaven! I can't wait for the warm weather. Keep in mind that we don't have much in the way of humidity here, so 85 - 90 degrees is pretty much perfect for me. I am really looking forward to the heat this year after a loss of over 100 pounds. Wish I could wear sleeveless, but I am too compassionate to subject my fellow Portlanders to my flying squirrel arms. I'm a giver.
I am an adrenaline junkie! I love, love that feeling of a racing heart when things get really exciting. I would jump out of a perfectly good plane. I've been white water rafting, para sailing, and cliff jumping. I want to zip line, skydive and para glide. Dare me to do something and I am in!
Time since surgery: 6 months
B: Scrambled duck egg
S: Light and Fit Greek Yogurt - Key Lime Pie, cherries
L: Asian Chicken Salad (work Lunch)
S: Watermellon
D: Hot and Sour Soup with shrimp, tofu and chicken (delicious, but a salt bomb)
S: Light cottage cheese
Totals: Calories 789, Fat 21, Protein 69
Have a great day everyone!

Height: 5'7". HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!