A few questions from a yearling for the wise and experienced vets!

on 5/27/15 8:04 am - United Kingdom
RNY on 05/20/14

Thank you Audrey...I have been thinking along bounce back lines as well.  I really have been very comfortable the last 20 lbs or so and I kept thinking every time the scale slowed ( or stopped, actually which it did allot!) ok, I am happy here...looking like I never thought I would, walking allot, energetic and relaxed and then boom, I would loose a little more again and then I would start the whole thought process again!

I think I will ride this as far is it goes.  I have boosted my calories to about 1100 and will wait a week and then maybe up again to 1200 and see.

I am so impressed by people like you who loose the weight.... And then can maintain it for so long.  That really to me is the important part of this journey....and I hope I can be as "successful a vet"  as those of you who have answered this topic!  

A real inspiration...and I am being very serious...thanks to you all!

on 5/27/15 8:30 am

And thank you for the kind words in return! Maintenance is a ***** though... I am writing this this in my car as I sit parked at a local bicycle hot spot. prepping to ride a "casual" 20 miles a week after gallbladder surgery Can't stop now, or it all comes back!


Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!

I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.

on 5/31/15 9:07 am

Can't stop now, or it all comes back!

_So with you!  I am actually hyperviligant in maintainance than I am in WLS. I am constantly adding new activities to "mix it up" so my body doesnt get habituated.

No way I am going back to MO. No way.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

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