Very upset

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/15 10:39 am

Also when we read we don't hear how the person is saying it. So sometimes it can sound mean but it's not supposed to.

 After surgery it can be very emotional. Our bodies are going through so many changes after WLS.

One thing I will say is I do go out to eat I don't just always pack my food. 


(deactivated member)
on 5/18/15 10:15 am

I feel ya, I am cautious with what I post.  But, sometimes we need the  of the RNY community. I have noticed some things come across judgmental, but remember it's what you are reading, which is way different than when you have a convo with someone in person.

on 5/18/15 10:28 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

I was given a booklet of post-op nutrition guidance right before surgery, and I shared details from that plan on your earlier post. I shared a cooking tip too.  I thought it would be helpful. 

Without any access to a nutritionist's help - yes, you do need to do a lot of your own research. But this can be done. In addition to research maybe you can find a support group(s) near you. Do you have access to any in-person WLS support groups, at your hospital or nearby? Another good resource I've heard about is Overeaters Anonymous; OA won't be WLS focused but the members may help you discover better choices in general.  

I'm sorry you're hurt and upset, but OH is a forum where people in various stages of pre- and post-WLS life try to share experiences and help each other. Sometimes that help comes in the form of a wake up call, which can be startling and jarring. I honestly didn't see anything judgmental on your original thread but, that's just my opinion.Some of the long term veterans who posted on your thread are actually health care professionals as well as veterans of this journey. Regardless, when they or anyone responds to you, they may offer information you do not want to hear.  you can choose to ignore it. You can block members who offend or upset you from responding to your posts - but by doing this you may miss an important piece of information. Your call. 

But, I hope you'll stay on OH, and keep an open mind. I hope you'll stay and learn and be a success story. I hope you'll stay so we can learn from one another on our journeys, which started within a few weeks of each other.  I want to be a success, just like you do!  It's a long journey ahead. I wish you continued success and health!!



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 5/18/15 10:48 am
RNY on 02/19/15

Search is your friend on this site. There's so much good information to help you! 

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 5/18/15 4:00 am, edited 5/18/15 4:02 am - Chicago, IL
RNY on 03/17/15

I am two months out, so I am happy to share with you what I have been eating and what has worked for me. If you are looking for ideas, the what's on your menu posts are helpful. I have really been trying to stick to a schedule in order to keep myself on track, and I have been approved for all foods by this point. I like to start my day with 4 oz kifer yogurt, 1/2 a premier protein shake, and a sugar-free latte or tea. Then for lunch I have 3.5 oz Greek yogurt with 10 g hemp seeds, 10 g slivered almonds, and 10-15 g Parmesan cheese. I allow myself more flexibility for snacks later in the day and dinner. Some snacks I like include low fat cheeses, savory ricotta pancakes, berries, pistachios or cashews, or eggface's protein muffins. For dinner, I most commonly have deli ham and swiss cheese melt with mustard, crustless pizza with turkey pepperoni, or leftovers. If I don't have time to cook or my husband wants to get takeout, I will get a grilled chicken sandwich from certain restaurants and throw away the bread or get a rotisserie chicken (my husband eats all the skin). I will also get a chicken cobb salad on occasion because it has mostly protein toppings.

I hope this is helpful to you, but I don't know if all of these things are allowed under your plan. Also, I believe that success is very individualized. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for other people. It takes a lot of self reflection and trials to determine what things will make you the most successful you can be.

Height: 5'5" HW: 290 Consultation Weight: 276 SW: 257 CW: 132

on 5/18/15 11:13 am - Lutz, FL
RNY on 06/12/15

I saw your post about Taco Bell and my first thought is "Why on earth does someone want to find food options at Taco Bell?  That is why we are all fat!"  I didn't post it though.  Others did.  And you took offense to it.  There are several factors at play here.

1.  You can't see someone's face when they are typing.  They may say something with an inflection that you can't pick up over the internet.  I am sure everyone, just like the voice in my head, said this to you in the most loving and caring manner, not being offensive.  We are all here to help each other.

2.  We also got to be fat because we refused to listen when people said things before.  We refused to change habits and relearn, we wanted to stick in our old ways, and felt no one understood when our feelings got hurt.  Then it got to the point where we had gained so much we needed surgical assistance to lose.  Reread that over again.  Then think to yourself "Maybe I need to not take things personally and start relearning how to do things".  The moment you let go, the better you will feel.

3.  You are just out of surgery still and trying to figure out what to do.  You feel lost.  This can make things seem negative around you.  One thing I always did was ask myself first "What would my surgeon say if he knew I wanted to eat this."  If I genuinely didn't know, I would ask a board, then I would ask my surgeon.  But if my voice answered back "Look dummy, your surgeon would flay you for eating at Taco Bell.  You are trying to not be fat anymore" then I would not even bother.

If you are looking for options because Taco Bell is the only place for you to get lunch, you need to make new arrangements.  Something in the brown bag variety.  If you are in a situation where you are on a road trip and you need to find food, pick a grocery store instead.  The walk around the store will stretch your legs and you can get healthier options.  There is absolutely no situation I can think of where you would be forced to eat only at Taco Bell.  Because of that, you have a WORLD of healthier options to choose from that just take a bit more work.  And we all got fat from not wanting to do the work.  Now we have to.  

I'm sorry you got upset by people's comments.  If someone was douchey that sucks.  But for the most part read everything with a positive twist rather than a negative.  Even if its telling you something you don't want to hear.  99% of everyone here is positively supporting each other.  Cheers!

LapBand Weight 460 (2006) | Panni Removal Weight 200 (2008) | 3rd kid (2009)
Revision to RNY Weight 355 (June 2015)


on 5/18/15 11:22 am - Lutz, FL
RNY on 06/12/15

Saw your other post about chicken wings.  Didn't see anyone being judgmental.  More so as people being concerned to bring up that your food choices seem to be going back to old habits.  Take these as complimentary, these people care enough to try and help you make good choices.  If they didn't care or they wanted to sabotage you they would not answer you or they would placate you.  

I suggest you make an appt with your surgeon, or come out of pocket for an appt with your nutritionist.  It seems as if they did not really give you many guidelines as you seem to be struggling.  I haven't even had my revision but I have a booklet that outlines very clearly what my after surgery diet phases will be and what I am allowed and not allowed.  The doctor is supposed to do more than just complete the surgery.  You need to be given a specific outline of what is allowed so you can make choices within those guidelines.  If they have not done that, you need to make them do that.  If they have done that, you need to try to make choices within those guidelines.  If baked chicken wings falls within that then contact me.  I have an AMAZING recipe!!  :)

LapBand Weight 460 (2006) | Panni Removal Weight 200 (2008) | 3rd kid (2009)
Revision to RNY Weight 355 (June 2015)


on 5/18/15 11:24 am
RNY on 03/23/15

I didn't see your other post but just as an FYI - I'm self pay and my insurance won't pay for a NUT at all so I went before surgery and not only will my insurance not pay but the advice and plan they gave me did not really jive with what I found online and from reading a ton on here. So in all honesty I ditched her. So I ask more questions than most people do about food I think. And when I do I do get a lot of call you NUT because a lot of plans are different. At first I was annoyed and then I realized that's why - everyone has such different advice that  in general they don't want to give out advice to others. It's crazy how different it all is! So now if I ask a food question I say right up front that I don't have a NUT for a variety of reasons and am just looking for some different info. Usually I get some random responses and I look at it all and go from there. I don't expect the people here to be my Nutritionist, that's not fair. But I've gotten great information that I've kind of averaged out on my own. 



HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

CerealKiller Kat71
on 5/18/15 2:09 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I sure hope it wasn't me who made you feel badly.  Please know that when I answer any post about food it isn't from a place in my heart of judgement - it's because I so want others to be successful, too.  You seemed open to learn about what's best to eat -- and I certainly would never purposefully try to hurt anyone's feelings.  


"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 5/18/15 4:14 pm

Kay W. 

I'm very open for discussion about food choices and will take all the help I can get. However I will not be judged by anyone because they don't know my story. I do want to thank you for any advice you have given me. Thanks for being concerned. 

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