Alcohol Consumption

on 5/19/15 12:54 pm - Chicago, IL
RNY on 03/17/15

There is research that shows people absorb more alcohol after RNY, so I am going to go with the bar was watering down their booze. There may be some variation in how alcohol affects different people, but what you are describing is a lot more variation than I would expect, especially if you are not a regular drinker.

Height: 5'5" HW: 290 Consultation Weight: 276 SW: 257 CW: 132

on 5/19/15 12:58 pm - Edmonton, Canada

I was surprised that I could drink as much as pre-surgery, I wonder if my body absorbs alcohol differently. Just looking for others who may have had the same thing happen to them. Thank you for the sensible response.

Karen M.
on 5/19/15 6:02 pm - Mississauga, Canada

You might think that, but I don't believe it to be necessarily true at all re. watery drinks. We metabolize everything differently post-RNY and I could easily have 10 drinks and be "perfectly fine" (if that's even a "thing") while others are knocked out with 1/2 a glass.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/19/15 12:54 pm

Grim is sensible - so am I.  6 Drinks is way too many and especially for an admitted "non-drinker".

I am not sure when you had your surgery - but by your weight loss ticker I am assuming its recent. 

Alcohol is a sure way to stall your weight loss in your honeymoon stage - please make the most of this once in a lifetime stage.  This is your big opportunity to get as much weight off as possible - the first 6 months.

To answer your question - this tolerance is not normal - nor is the desire to consume 6 drinks.  This is a red flag to me and I hope to you.

Please - no alcohol for at least 6 months and preferable not until you reach goal - and then in moderation.


Good luck








on 5/19/15 1:03 pm - Edmonton, Canada

I consulted my weight loss team at the clinic and they gave me the go-ahead to try alcohol, I am by no means waving a red flag by wanting to go out and enjoy myself with some friends. I could see the red flag concern if I wanted to drink every day or every weekend for that matter. I know you mean well and I am following everything that has been in the guidelines post op, just looking for people that may have had a similar experience.

on 5/19/15 1:08 pm

Why even consider playing with fire this early out?  I don't care who gave your 'permission' to try some drinks.  This just makes no sense to me.

Please - take advantage of your initial weight loss window - don't screw around with poor food choices or alcohol.  Your poor liver is already in overdrive trying to process all the fat loss.  Give it a break and stay away from booze for hopefully a year or until you reach goal.

I cant say this often enough - you only have ONE OPPORTUNITY to use your honeymoon period to its full advantage - get as much off your body as possible the first 6 months while you are in full boar mode.  **** food and booze will be waiting for you.







Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/20/15 3:54 pm - OH

There is a differnce between being given clearance to have a SINGLE drink and in having SIX.  I understand wanting to be able to enjoy an adult beverage with friends.  What I do not understand is why you needed to have six.

I second the hope that you have discussed this with your therapist, because -- as a psychologist -- I think there is something else going on here.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 5/19/15 12:54 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13
On May 19, 2015 at 12:35 PM Pacific Time, YEGgirl wrote:

So I tried booze for the second time the other weekend and I could drink 5 vodka and waters and one tequila mixed drink. It didn't really affect me at all. I was told by people in my support group that one glass of wine is their limit. Is this type of tolerance normal? I am not a big drinker, the last time I drank was back in November. The girls in my support group said it could have been watered down bar booze . . thoughts?

Just in case.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 5/19/15 12:55 pm

What surgery did you have?  When did you have it??  


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on 5/19/15 1:04 pm - Edmonton, Canada

I had RNY in February.

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