What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

on 5/19/15 5:24 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!  You guys are so great to play along with my random musings and questions.  I loved yesterdays mascots.  LOL 

So, I had my menu all planned out, but I totally forgot that today is our office's May birthday food day.  Since I am a May baby, lots of people brought WLS friendly stuff like antipasto plates with cheeses and pepperoni and deviled eggs....someone even brought Mrs. Thinsters cookies.  It would be rude, I think, if I didn't partake at least a little so I need to rearrange as I go, but here's what I had originally planned:

B:  coffee and a Lean Cuisine sandwich.  I'm probably going to replace the sandwich with cheese and a deviled egg.  LOL

S:  1/2 of a cookie dough Quest bar

L:  Buffalo chicken salad, Fiber Gourmet wheat thinables and a Cabot reduced fat sharp cheddar snack.

D:  Deli ham rollups and a HB egg.  Must.  Go.  Grocery.  Shopping. 

TOTALS:  Honestly, your guess is as good as mine.  LOL





on 5/18/15 10:45 pm, edited 5/18/15 10:46 pm - Knightdale, NC
RNY on 03/02/15

At work, parties can wreaked havoc but isn't great to have co-workers that care enough to make WLS friendly foods. My going away party at my last job was like that... shrimp, cheeses, salads... food that I definitely could eat. And, yes, you would be completely "rude" if you didn't eat just a little something... lol.

My menu today: 

B:  Tea with Truvia

S: Dannon Light and Fit Greek Yogurt, Cherry

L:  1 oz. Teriyaki Beef Jerky, String Cheese

D: Turkey Cheeseburger Meatloaf, 2 ozs. Red potatoes, ¼ cup cucumbers

S: ½ Chocolate Protein Shake (with 1 tablespoon Ovaltine)

Totals:  Calories – 661, Protein – 62, Carbs – 53, Sugar – 26, Fat – 25

I know I shouldn't eat the potatoes and most likely won't be able to eat them, but I can honestly say that I miss potatoes... dang useless vegetable that tastes like heaven.

Everyone have a great day!!


Highest weight - 440 lbs, Surgery weight - 395 lbs, Current weight - 291 lbs.

on 5/19/15 5:47 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Good morning everyone! 

AV, I enjoyed the mascots question yesterday. Love that you keep things fun! Oh my goodness I am with you on the grocery shopping. I need to fit it in somehow... I am working from home today so I may be able to shoehorn in a quickie run at some point mid-day. 

I was back on track with water and vitamins yesterday, and feel great. Gotta keep that up again today! I had to reset my phone alarms after getting a new replacement phone, as those reminder alarms really help. 

Todays plan:

B - Bariatric Advantage shake, made with 4oz 1% milk/4oz water

S - 2 chicken meatballs

L - beef Fiesta Bites (Eggface recipe)

S - reduced fat cheddar stick (3/4 oz)

D - 2oz Tilapia, Roasted carrots

W/V - underway

E - 20 minute resistance band workout.  I have a 2 hour band rehearsal tonight (plenty of cardio). 

Totals: 68 g protein, 22 g carb, 22 g fat, 551 calories

Have a great Tuesday everyone! Enjoy "your" birthday celebrations AV! 




137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 5/19/15 6:05 am
RNY on 04/06/15

Oh THANK YOU for having roasted carrots!  It reminds me that I LOVE THEM!!!  I normally really hate cooked veggies, I love them raw.  But obviously can't have raw yet!  The only way I like carrots is roasted!!  YAY VEGGIES!!!


HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

on 5/19/15 6:14 am
RNY on 07/17/14

I hear you on the water thing.  I always feel great if I can manage to get my water and all my vitamins in.  It's the vitamins I struggle with the most, I think.  A lot of times I forget my last dose of the day.





on 5/19/15 6:02 am
RNY on 04/06/15

Its been a rainy morning here in NH.  Daughter has a baseball game tonight, they only cancel if there is lightning...so it will be a nice soggy game!

6 week 1 day since surgery

B: Premier protein, chocolate

L: 1/2 cup fat free refried beans, 1/4 cup RF cheddar cheese

S: 2 Baybel light

D: 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese

Totals: Cals: 530  Protein: 70  Carbs: 27  Fat: 16

HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/15 6:06 am

It's dreary here in Jersey today. I hope it rains so i****ers my flower beds I know so lazy. I am happy to go see my therapist today. I like going over what has happened over the past few weeks and how I am feeling. 

B:Yogurt with granola

L:Ham cheese roll ups with sugar-free pickles

D:Chicken salad and a hard boiled egg

S:Not sure

Water is going down and vitamins are in exercise is hopefully walking the track tonight.

Enjoy the day. 

on 5/19/15 6:11 am

Good morning everyone, it's a little rainy here today, that's fine with me, we really need it; of course, I went to the car wash yesterday because I couldn't see out of the windows with all the pollen. 

Yesterday was my first day back to work, I made it until 2:00, my goal today is to make the whole day.  If not, I'm not going to worry about it.  I finally made it to the grocery store last night and picked up some babybel lights, turkey chili and scallops which dh made for dinner and I have leftovers for today.

B:  Premier Protein Shake (these make my life so much easier)

L:  3 Scallops ( probably won't finish all 3, but have them if I need them)

D:  Turkey Chili

S:  Mini Babybel Light (mid morning)

S:  SF PUdding  (this could be a nightly habit)

Haven't plugged into MFP yet. 



(deactivated member)
on 5/19/15 7:08 am

Pollen is so gross here. I hope we get some rain to wa**** away. 

on 5/19/15 6:37 am
RNY on 12/17/14

Hello all!  I have a date tonight.  :)  Coffee first and then dinner.  The place we are going has good wls friendly options.

B: ham and cheese, 4 saltines

L: chicken spaghetti with cheese, sauteed veggies

S: protein bar

D: probably a gyro place or a grilled chicken salad, and coffee of course :)



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