Well I will be the lone dissenter. I think you should eat the watermelon if it goes down. I had a similar post op pattern. Being dehydrated leads to nausea and then if you do eat you can barf that back up. If you throw something up enough you'll may never be able to eat it again (I'm that way just looking at a Premier shake.
I don't think it's a good choice long term but once you aren't so dehydrated it will be easier to eat other things.
Deb T.
here is my 2c - get hydrated anyway you can. if taht means eating some (not a lot ) of watermelon - do it..
you can blend some watermen with extra water and see if that would help.
Yes it si high in sugar - and if you eat more than 1/2 cup - you may eb in trouble... but for now - do whatever may help you get some water in.
and cube and freeze the rest (i.e. blend and freeze in ice cubes - or popsicle mold) to be added one at the time later on to your water, or even flavor some protein drinks.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 5/21/15 9:49 pm
I am about 5 months post-op. To this day, I begin every single day with a cup of warm beef broth. Although I can tolerate most foods, I don't like eating first thing in the morning. The beef broth gives me some nourishment and gets me going on my liquids.
If I have gelatin on hand, I add it to the beef broth, to increase my protein consumption. Although gelatin is not a complete protein (Hala told me this, and I've since read a bit on it), it does help us absorb/use the more complete proteins we eat. I also like how gelatin helps my hair, nails, and tendons--as I have a chronic tendon injury. (I like hydrolized gelatin, Great Lakes brand.)
I follow the broth up with 2 cups of warm herb tea. Before surgery, I loved water! My city's water was sooooo delicious. Now, the texture and flavor of tha****er does not appeal to me much at all, so I drink a lot of herb tea. This really helps me get my water in.
In case you want to try broth: I settled on beef broth because it had more protein than chicken broth. I have tried several brands, and I really like the Pacific brand. There are other brands that I think are downright yucky.
Good luck to you!