I'm struggling, to eat enough, to drink enough . . . I quite frankly could care less if I put anything in my mouth. I went to the store tonight to get an organic chicken for the crockpot, thinking that I was just burnt out on tuna and egg salad. I picked up watermelon thinking it might help me get some "fluids" in bit I'm wondering if those tiny white seeds that even the "seedless" ones have would be an issue for a new pouch.
Just say no! Watermelon is high glycemic as far as fruit goes. Better to have strawberries if you MUST have something sweet.
Pre-op. I gained 5 lbs in a week from watermelon. That is how my smart NP knew that something was really wrong with me (after reviewing my diet logs).

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
It's not the "sweet" I'm craving . . . I really don't CRAVE anything. Right now NOTHING tastes good, but I thought it might be a way of getting some hydration. I'm barely swallowing water and anything I put in it is so overly sweet, I can't stand to drink it. It takes me HOURS to finish an 11 oz Premier Shake these last few days.
But thanks for the heads up, guess my co-workers get some expensive watermelon tomorrow! ;-)
Helllllooo, why should your co-workers get your expensive watermelon?! How about freeze small-sized watermelon chunks for homemade smoothies farther on down the road this summer when it's 98 degrees outside? If you do eat some now, try a little piece to see how you react. If liquids aren't staying down or too hard to get down, it sounds like maybe a phone call to the doctor is in order to get checked for a stricture or to see if dehydration has set in--the latter a more pressing issue.
What I take in is staying down, it just feels like if I take anymore, I'm going to vomit it back up - though that hasn't actually happened yet. One slice of roasted turkey and one slice of cheese rolled up - it takes everything in me to eat half of it. I'm thinking I can up my protein and make it more palatable if I maybe use some milk, rather than water for a short 6oz protein shake. Good idea to freeze the watermelon, though it's already that hot here! ;-)
Hi I'm like you! Shakes take me all day I have half at bfst half at dinner. I know not enough protein! My surg was 4/13/15
recenrly I tried a frozen split pea soup( pre surg never ever would have ate! )
but its 13 g of protein and somehow I get it down I can't do sweet anymore either I just thought I'd share that since you sound a lot like me having trouble getting water and protein in good luck
on 5/18/15 7:43 pm
No watermelon, go get some powerade zero. You are on your way to dehydration. You must get your fluids in.
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White