What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?
Good Morning all! It's wet and humid here in CNY, but we certainly needed the rain. What I don't need is the dripping gutter right outside my bedroom window that sounds like the water is dropping from a height of eleventy billion feet onto a giant metal drum. In actuality, it's dripping like 10 feet onto the downspout extension, but you know how it is when you're trying to sleep. Looks like someone has a weekend project! Not me, of course. LOL
My boy's concert was totally adorable and the kids were so excited to perform. We even enjoyed the recorder songs. LOLOL I'm really going to miss these elementary school music concerts when he goes to junior high in a few years. Up tonight: baseball!
Oh, and as much as a I love the thinaddictives, I think having them for a morning snack is making me hungrier. Is that possible? I'm going to have to move things around, or maybe have them on the weekends, when I don't tend to focus so much on my meals.
Time since surgery: almost 10 months
B: coffee and a Yoplait Greek in apple pie with some Fiber One honey clusters cereal mixed in
S: beef jerky and a half a bag of Kay's Naturals veggie pizza puffs. I'm kind of 'meh' about these. They just taste "OK". A little dry, maybe?
L: The last of the cranberry chicken salad w/Kitchen Table Bakers rosemary parmesan crisps and a cheese stick
D: Quest bar at the game; if I don't do this I won't eat until after 9 and I don't know about you guys, but if I wait that long I will be hangry and eat my feelings. LOL
TOTALS: Cals: 859 Protein: 80 Carbs: 74 Fat: 34
Have a great day!!

Good morning all! Kristen, I hate when some out of the ordinary sound wakes you up from blissful sleep. For the past several mornings we have been woken up at 5am by the obnoxious birds outside our window (we have been sleeping with the windows open). Don't get me wrong, I love when birds sing but this particular bird must have had a fight with its birdie lover because it was squawking as loud as its birdie lungs could squawk. UGH!! I don't like waking up any earlier than I have to.
Time since surgery: 10 months
B: Dunkin turkey sausage wake-up wrap and iced coffee with cream and splenda
S: String cheese and coffee
L: Starbucks protein box and iced coffee (LOTS OF COFFEE, DAMN BIRDS!)
S: Thin Addictives pistachio and Laughing Cow Wedge
D: Tuna on low carb tortilla (hopefully I'll actually eat it)
Post workout: EAS Carb Control shake
W/V: Started
E: Swim
Totals: Calories 1152, Protein 72, Carb 77, Fat 60
Have a great day all!
OMG, the birds. You would swear I live in a rainforest what with the birds and the frogs making all kinds of racket. Stupid nature.

Yes, it is completely possible that they're making you hungry. With 14g carbs and 7g sugar, it's no wonder they're called "addictives". Even their product tag line reads, "So thin, so crunchy, so addictive". From my experience, carbs beget more carbs, always. I'm afraid you (and many others, you're not alone!) have bought into their claim that they're somehow a "healthy snack". They're not, sorry.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
Agreed... many pre-portioned snacks are at best calorie controlled, but that doesn't make them healthy. Even the bars and things like Kays naturals pretzels... while they have protein and I eat them on occasion I wouldn't call them healthy...
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
Agreed. You know, I think we all sort of fall into the "omg, it looks like chips and smells like chips and tastes woefully not like chips but I'll forgive that piece of it, because they're chips for diet people and lord knows I want chips and I can fit these little suckers right into my "plan", and would you look at that, there's even 1 gram of protein!" trap at some point in the beginning. New food plan, new lifestyle, new opportunity to try stuff out. But I think what long-termers come to realize pretty quickly (if they're successful) is that eating these "snack items" regularly leads to cravings for them. Carbs beget carbs, and so on. It's great that they pack them into little 100 calorie bags. Not sure about you, but I could eat a whole ****ton of 100 calorie bags of anything because they're all slider carbs.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
Good morning, everyone! I haven't posted in the last 2 weeks because I have started a new position and I am just getting back used to working days from 2nd shift! And, I noticed that when I slacked off posting in MFP and here that I have been losing my gusto, not really eating bad but just feeling out of control.
We are suppose to top 90 degrees today... 1st time this year but it is going to cool off the rest of the week, thank God!
B: Tea with 1 tsp. Sweet Leaf-SugarLeaf
S: 1 oz. Sharp Cheese
L: Cheeseburger Turkey Meatloaf, ½ serving, 1/4 SF FF chocolate Pudding
S: 80 calorie strawberry Greek yogurt
D: tilapia, ¼ cup cucumbers
S: ½ serving chocolate protein shake
Totals: Calories: 737, Protein: 66, Carbs: 45, Sugar: 20
Vitamins and Water: Started
I am going to admit... I have not been bitten by the exercise bug yet! I have got to get on board and not waste my honeymoon stage! Right now I am dealing with a chest cold so that has not helped! Please tell me what you did to start? And, how you stay on track with it. Thanks for your help.
Everyone have a great day!
Hi! Your current weight (351) is my surgery weight - and I can say, at that weight I wasn't gung-ho loving exercise. It was hard, I was sweaty, my knees hurt. BUT I bought a FitBit One and started tracking steps and just MOVING. I would take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of taking the bus...and count my steps. At that time, doing 10,000 steps a day (4 miles!) was like a pipe dream. And now I am up to 15,000 steps a day. Take it slow, but the sooner the start, the more results you will see! I am excited for you :)
And once I got into the 200s, I joined a gym, and paid for a trainer. Joining at 300+ lbs was a real mental block - I stressed about "would people stare at me? Would I be able to fit in?" As I lost the weight, the exercise got easier and easier. And now I am totally addicted. I hope the same happens for you! One step at a time :)
My first intro into working out was in the pool. I would just walk laps in the pool for about an hour. I bought a Sony Walkman MP3 player which is water proof and loaded it with my favorite songs and just did that until some of the weight came off. Now, I can't wait for my workout after work (cardio/weight training), and I live for Zumba Fridays! :P