Stricture vs. Not tolerating?
I am 5 weeks. Post op. I am wondering what the difference is in feelings between a stricture and just not. Tolerating a specific food.
I did have a set back 2weeks post op and doc said to consider it day 1 food wise but just looking for some insight. e
on 5/12/15 4:00 pm - WI
With a stricture, you would not be able to keep anything down... not even water. It feels like what ever it is that you ate/drank is just sitting in you esophagus and won't enter your pouch. The food/water will not pass onto the pouch...period.
If you are simply not tolerating something, everything else will work fine but when you eat the problem food, you get sick.
Sometimes we eat too fast, too much, or don't chew enough, and food will block the opening to your pouch. That feels like a painful pressure in your chest. It usually passes in it's own in time.
I had the exact same questions about 5 weeks out and was about 98% convinced that I had a stricture where my hiatal hernia was repaired. I was also convinced that I was eating microscopic bites and chewing them fully. However, the feedback I received from the WLS surgery vets was that I was probably still eating too fast and/or bites that were too large. I am now 2 months post op and I no longer think I have a stricture. It seems that I simply do not yet tolerate any type of dense protein very well. Especially, if I don't allow a lot of time in between bites. Today was the first day that I could actually eat tuna fish without getting the foamies and throwing it all back up. Maybe if you give certain foods a break and try them again in a few weeks they will go down better for you.

Phew, thanks for asking...I am about six weeks out and just lost my "cookies" so to speak....tried just plain hamburger at dinner....obviously not good. I made sure to chew thoroughly but UGH apparently I don't have the tummy tolerance for Real meat protein. I'll try again much much later! For now, premier protein remains my bestie!!