Look back: 5 months post op to 17 months post op
Hi Gang,
I am writing this because yesterday, on a day trip, my hubby reminded me that this time LAST year (i.e. 5 months post op), I had found my wedding dress.
I remember that very exciting time. I had lost about 70 + lbs (5 months post op) and was a size 18. I was able to try on a dress close to my size (i.e. 14 or 16) in a normal bridal store. This experience was VERY DIFFERENT from a year earlier when I was squished into size 12 samples and told to "imagine it". How could I when nothing hit in the correct location? When the boob cups were in more in my midline than at my boobs?
I was so very very happy being a size 18! I was in normal stores! I was so much smaller than where I started. By my surgeons standards I was a success! Me! A success by the standards of the weight loss world! I would have never thought and it had certainly never happened before!!!
However, the smart savvy vets on these boards recommended taking one's weight loss as low as they reasonably could. At the time there was a lot of posts and discussions about "selling yourself short" (i.e. stopping the process too soon). I perceived that perhaps the surgeons "bar for success" may be set too easily low for them. So I kept going. I stuck with the plan and kept tweaking the exercise and foods I ate. I tried everyday to do BETTER or THE SAME AS the day before in some element (e.g. water drinking, aerobic exercise time, increased weights, or one extra rep when lifting...just one!)
I am glad a listened to the vets. Because a year ago I was about 180 lbs and today I am 138. If I would have stopped, I would have MISSED OUT on LOSING 42 extra pounds. If I would have listened to the people that prematurely called me "skinny" or confronted me about my "eating disorder" (they didnt know that I had surgery), I would STILL be an 18.
I kept going, and now I am 138 lbs and just bought a LONDON TIMES dress in a size 4. Depending on the maker, I am a size 0-6. It is very easy to shop now. I just walk in and go to the smalls. IF I WOULD HAVE STOPPED, I would have had to dedicate extra mental effort in the store, wondering "am I a large or a XXL?"
What I am saying is "No matter where you are in your journey BE PROUD of what you have accomplished. You are far far better off having lost SOME weight POST OP versus NO WEIGHT or GAINING WEIGHT by not having the surgery. If you are "early in your journey" (i.e. less than a year), do not give up and do not stop!!! It doesnt matter that you have or havent "arrived" by your surgeons standards or societies standards. What matters is that you have "arrived" by YOUR standards. Dont give up too soon either because sometimes our bodies saves its biggest losses and it biggest tricks (i.e. not losing a pound for 3 weeks but dropping 2 sizes) for "the end."
For example, I am just 4 lbs LESS than what I was when I went on my honey moon. Just 4 lousy pounds. That was 3 months ago. Convinced that I was "done" I bought several pairs of size 8 shorts that fit me perfectly. They had an elastic waist so they could even go in.
Now 3 months and just 4 lbs later, these size 8 shorts are too big (even with the elastic pulling "in"). I have to belt them and they have this weird crease in them that screams "These pants are too big!!!"
Moral of the story: My weight didnt change all that much but my body dimensions and (maybe) my body composition has!
So don't give up too soon. No matter how successful/unsuccessful you feel. These past 2 months i have been feeling a bit unsuccessful in the sense that I am not seeing the lower 130s like I had hoped. Yet, my body clearly is working on being SMALLER, just not by the metric I had hoped for. But my clothes show, I AM SMALLER TODAY than I was just 3 months ago.
So, don't give up too soon.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
Keep going girl!
Weight loss is a bit like a train. It initially takes a lot of effort to get it going, but once you get your system up and going, physical, mental, and biological inertia take over!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
And regain is like a freight train. It's easy to stop if it barely gets moving. But once it gathers speed, it's a frikken juggernaut. It works both ways.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
SkinnyScientist: Are you aware that there is blog space on your personal profile for stories just like this one? It's a great way to record meaningful weight loss events and people are able to read your entries and make comments.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
Thanks, Skinny! Your posts were some of the first I remember reading when I first came to this site (while researching surgery). Inspiring then, inspiring now. Thanks to all the vets - you included - I am planning to white knuckle this ride for as much weight loss as possible.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
This may make me sound like a pissy old ***** but what the heck ...
A "vet" is someone who is a minimum of 5 years post surgery - Skinny Scientist is very obviously a honeymooner. There is a big difference In experience 1-2 years out to 5, 10 or 15 years out!
There are MANY true vets on here who still pay it forward day after day when the vast majority of people disappear way before they reach vet status
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Thanks for the correction. I am truly grateful for you and all the vets (correctly applied) who are here still offering support after 5+ years. I will use this term appropriately going forward.

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!