1 week post-op and worried that I'm screwing everything up. Why is it so easy to get protein...
on 5/11/15 6:03 pm
Thanks, it looks like I just need to find a bigger grocery store. Good to know what to look for!
I LOVE this stuff! In my early stages I used it instead of milk to make fat-free cream of chicken soup (Campbells Condensed soup). It always made my tummy feel goooood and was really filling to boot. I rarely get to enjoy it now, because I need to concentrate on things with more protein and less carbs... but it's very low cal made with Cashew Milk. I lived on this for the first 2-5 weeks.
on 5/13/15 10:47 pm
I just wanted to pop back to this post to thank you for turning me on to cashew milk! This stuff is DELICIOUS!! Sadly, my bloating has improved significantly since I cut out milk (which is sad because I LOVE milk), but this will be an awesome alternative to fall back on. I thought I liked almond milk, but this is so much creamier!
on 5/14/15 3:17 am
I'm so glad! I love it, too.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Hi everyone, it's me again. I'm starting to get really freaked out. Mainly, I'm worried that I'm overeating/overdrinking at a week post-op (halfway through the full liquids stage) and, subsequently, I'm wondering why that's even possible and what it means for the future.
I got some great feedback from the vets (thank you!!) when my calories were topping 700 per day a couple days post-op, so I cut out strained soups, popsicles, and things that are probably recommended by my plan for those who are having trouble getting fluids in but weren't really necessary for me since I wasn't having any issues. I tried to prioritize protein instead -- the thing is, now I'm taking in way too much protein! My plan says to aim for your weight times 0.3 in protein grams a day, and my NUT also said most people can't get that much in right away. Well, my goal is 65g, and today I hit 104! I'm sipping fluids constantly and only aiming for a protein shake or high-protein/low-sugar yogurt when I'm hungry, so I'm pretty sure I'm not confusing thirst for hunger. Fluids have been strangely easy for me to get in too. I definitely can't drink as much as I could pre-op...I make an 8 oz. protein shake and sometimes have to save half for later, but then I'm hungry again fairly quickly.
I'm also freaked out about feeling hungry this soon out, period...how in the world are people able to stick to 300-500 calories a day immediately post-op without being absolutely miserable? My protein shakes alone are 200 calories apiece if I make them with skim milk; 240 if I make them with 2% (which is recommended by my plan), and I would be so miserably hungry if 2 shakes a day were my only source of nutrition. I know I have a fast metabolism (144% of predicted energy expenditure for my age and sex)...does that play a role?
I spent so long preparing to get this tool, learning everything I could from those who have been there, and getting myself as healthy as I could for surgery, but now I'm legitimately afraid it somehow just won't work to help control my hunger and portions. I've also only lost a pound this first week and feeling really disheartened seeing posts from people losing 10+ at the same mile marker. Am I totally messing this up? What am I doing wrong? I felt so prepared before my surgery, and now I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.
what exactly are you eating to get 104 grams of protein?
on 5/11/15 10:23 am
Doing a "post-mortem" on yesterday, it seems that it's coming from mostly milk. Here's where my protein came from yesterday:
B - protein shake w/ 2% milk; 32g
S - sugar-free Jello; 0g
L - protein shake w/ skim milk; 24g
S - cup of 2% milk; 8g
D - protein shake (different brand) w/ skim milk - 40g
Starting today, I'm going to lay off the milk. My plan recommends it to get extra protein in, but clearly that's not a concern for me, so I don't really need the calories that are coming from it either.
Doing a "post-mortem" on yesterday, it seems that it's coming from mostly milk. Here's where my protein came from yesterday:
B - protein shake w/ 2% milk; 32g
S - sugar-free Jello; 0g
L - protein shake w/ skim milk; 24g
S - cup of 2% milk; 8g
D - protein shake (different brand) w/ skim milk - 40g
Starting today, I'm going to lay off the milk. My plan recommends it to get extra protein in, but clearly that's not a concern for me, so I don't really need the calories that are coming from it either.
yes,I think that naswers your question. You can use unsweetened plain almond milk for about the same taste and way less carbs and calories,but make sure it is the unsweetened.
That is also a fair amount of carbs from all the milk....
MANY people have no trouble getting in liquids early out, so taht is certainly nothing to fret about. Not feeling full when you are doing nothing but drinking liquids is also very normal. I was very thankful that my surgeon's plan called for soft foods on Day Three post-op, so I didn't have to do a long period of liquids!
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
on 5/11/15 9:07 pm
That would have been nice. This 2 weeks of liquids is killing me! And then I have 2 weeks of purees (cottage cheese, refried beans, etc.) before I even get to start "soft" foods like deli meat.