I am 2 mos post rny and still experience intense hunger
I got up at 10 this morning and was hungry. Had shake w/non fat greek yogurt, premiere protein drink 5 oz, 1/4 banana. Hungry an hour later. Drank rest of protein drink with scoop of protein powder. It is an hour later and I am hungry. I have had denture problems and am not able to chew yet, so all my foods are blended. I drink about 40 oz of water in addition to blended shakes and food a day. I only consume blended shakes/foods consisting of yogurt, protein drinks, protein powder, fresh fruit/veggies, chicken, fish, and soups. ???
I got up at 10 this morning and was hungry. Had shake w/non fat greek yogurt, premiere protein drink 5 oz, 1/4 banana. Hungry an hour later. Drank rest of protein drink with scoop of protein powder. It is an hour later and I am hungry. I have had denture problems and am not able to chew yet, so all my foods are blended. I drink about 40 oz of water in addition to blended shakes and food a day. I only consume blended shakes/foods consisting of yogurt, protein drinks, protein powder, fresh fruit/veggies, chicken, fish, and soups. ???
protein shakes may not keep you full as they really run. Right on through. Same with Greek yogurt.
the most likely culprit is the fruit. The it is pure sugar,carbs,and it causes an. Insulin spike which then. Drops quickly and makes you feel hungry. I would skip the fruit.
Some soups have very high carbs which is the same situation as fruit.
40 oz is. Not nearly enough liquid. Dehydration mimics hunger so they may. Be a problem too.
Thanks. Very helpful replies. I do very little fruit. I was thinking that the 40 oz of water in addition to the liquid of protein drinks would be enough fluid. Seems like since I blend everything, all I take in is liquid or pureed foods. I had also expected that the hunger hormones would be deactivated following the RNY and that hunger would not be an issue for six or more months. Not so, at all, for me. I will increase my water intake and see what happens.
I thought I was hungry during the first week after surgery. I asked the same question here and was told that it was VERY unlikely that I was experiencing hunger and that I was probably dehydrated. I did notice that my skin was very dry. I upped my hydrating fluids to 60+ ounces a day and those symptoms completely disappeared. I am now almost 5 weeks postop and I do not feel actual hunger at all. I hope upping your fluids works for you. It definitely sounds like what might be going on with you.
I have only experienced hunger once in the almost eight years since I had surgery. That was a day when I went over eight hours without eating anything during the day. I suddenly found myself very hungry.
I eat five or six times a day and limit those meals to between 200 and 300 calories.
Part of the end of hunger is definitely in my head. I have trained myself to not be hungry. I eat only dense protein, some vegetables and occasionally fruit or a slice of whole wheat bread. I eat no white carbs at all. I used protein shakes daily for the first two years.
I was on Prilosec when I came from the hospital for about three months. Acid can cause hunger, so are you on medicine for that? Talk to your surgeon.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Thanks again for the helpful replies. I increased fluids today, but still hungry. Will keep trying. Also had new dentures adjusted and will work at learning to chew again. I'm not on anything for acid. It does seem that sometimes there is air or gas in my stomache mimicking hunger. I also had a hernia repair along w/bypass, as well as removal of gallbladder. I often experience all kinds of strange sounds and sometimes discomfort in my esopheal area mid-chest when eating. Not sure at all what that means.
I would discuss this w/my surgeon, but he nor his staff are really there for these type of questions. I see him in two weeks for 2-mo f/u and hopefully by then this will either be resolved or I will be more educated and clear about what is going on and will be able to bring it up then. My primary is helpful. She has experience w/bariatric surgery patients and forwarded a note of observation and concern to my surgeon.