Clothes-What did you do with your "old" clothes
Being SSMO, I wore the same things over and over--tent shirts, elastic-waist pants, and mens' slip-on shoes. Most of them would not have been wanted by anyplace or anyone. I took a pair of scissors and cut, cut, cut until they were unrecognizable as clothes. It wasn't that long ago, but I hardly remember why. I think I did it out of fear when I threw them away, no one could find them and laugh.
I recently tried on every single thing that I own...98% of it does not fit anymore. I put everything into garbage bags and they are just sitting in my closet, which is now mostly empty hangers. I am curious what others have done with their clothes that no longer fit? I am having a garage sale this summer so I thought about trying to sell them and make a few $ to spend on clothes that actually DO fit.
Many of the items that I wore were still gently used by me. We have many charity resale shops in our area. I donated my clothing as my husband did with his also after he had his WLS. We also still utilize these shops for items to add to our wardrobe and when we want something new we donate it back.
Open RNY May 7
I donated a lot, have a couple of nice jackets/coats I'll try to sell on eBay in the fall, but had a bunch of very old t shirts etc that were really very worn and not suitable for donation.
So I'm making a couple of braided rag rugs. We recently moved into a house with 800 sf of cold tile floors downstairs, and rugs are pricey!
I went through all my clothes today ... And I'm with you boo ... 98.5% tooooo big. I set up a little shop in the house for my friends and fam. If it's not picked up or all gone by Friday ... Monday it will be at Goodwill. Or Salvation Army!!!
Congrats on weight loss
Thanks. Congrats to you too! It's so strange isn't it? It HONESTLY feels like something happened TO MY CLOTHES!!!...not to me! It feels like all my clothes just somehow got bigger and now I am left with next to nothing to wear. How F*ed up is that!? lol
Several people have bankrolled newer sizes by selling on ebay and craiglist. I think your idea is a great one and i wish I would have thought to do that.
However, I donated mine to good will. I got the receipt for the tax write-off which was nice BUT, I got some debt and the extra $$$ I would have earned by sellign them would have been better for me in the long run. Selfish? yes. REalistic-also yes.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat