Snack Ideas
Syntax Nectar is a brand of protein that is really pretty tasty. Heres a link to the tons of flavors: Syntrax Protein. My favorites are the cappuccino latte & the mint cookie.
On the hummus, sometimes I'll use a couple (ie @3-4) quest protein chips to eat a little once a day as a protein snack. A package of each lasts a really long time this way.
So probably a little early for you but I use the Hummus as dressing on my salad. I use a handful of greens and put Feta cheese, chicken and little drops of Hummus and it is delish. When I am snacking - I take a piece of turkey, spread a thin amount of hummus and wrap that around a piece of light string cheese.
As far something to use for dips and spreads I like making a homemade type of "cracker" out of almond meal butter seasoning and parmesan cheese. All you do is add whatever seasoning you like to a mix of almond meal and Parmesan cheese add enough melted butter to make a dry crumbly dough drop spoonfuls onto a piece of parchment paper or foil and squish flat and bake until crispy at 350 degrees usually about 10-15 mins
I find that these work great for things like hummus or cheese spreads and the recipe is so easy you can even make them primarily cheese if you want to up the protein it's almost impossible to screw them up