How to lose more after the "honeymoon"
First of all, I think you are awesome and have done so so well. I do hear what you're saying though. Maybe you could cut out the wine and cream in your coffee just until you are done losing? Clearly you can maintain with what you're doing, so you can add them back in soon enough. Do you like the creamers that have fewer calories? And wow, 6 cups of coffee! You must be wide awake all the time LOL. I don't think your portions are an issue. And you seem like a great cook! My meals are so incredibly simple, it's embarrassing!
I don't think you're doing anything wrong -- you're just done! Your body, your activity, and your diet are in balance.
I also don't think you need to give yourself a buffer against regain. Regain doesn't "just happen" and, ironically, dropping below your goal weight is probably a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of bouncing back.
Frankly I think what you've done is a textbook success. You've eaten like you should, exercise like you should, and you weight settled exactly where it should like a gentle plane landing.
Thank you Chulbert. This brought happy and grateful tears to my eyes! It is very emotional to me because this WLS is THE FIRST thing that has ever worked for me in terms of battling MO.
I dont want to "tap out" too early. Nor do I want to tap out too late (e.g. not having the energy to do Body-pump, skate or step). I have never been "here" before.
Thank you for the compliments! Again, post-op period after WLS has been the first and ONLY period in my life that I have received positive affirmations about my diet or exercise. WW gives lots of positive affirmations but it didnt work for me despite following their plan.
Thank you again!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
I was thinking the same thing as Chulbert. I think you've already hit that window. Your weight and body fat are at the low and you've reached a comfortable balance. I think changes would lead to very disordered eating and just another diet.
Finding an normal routine is where I think you should be. Looking to go further sounds against your over all health.
By the way, I tried out 2 days ago for that synchro team. I accomplished my goals of: 1) not falling; 2) not pulling anyone else down and 3) pretty spirals. The whole audience (2 people I didnt know!) even clapped for my spirals! This made the whole car trip "worth it" ! More happy tears were in the car!
One thing that kind of made me sad was: a questionaire asked for our height, weight, and size. Since we buy our own costumes and practice attire, I didnt understand how this was a relevant question at this point. I wonder if the coach as to pick between two equally good skaters, whether the "coin toss" would go to the skinnier skater at that time.
That made me feel a bit sad.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat