What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?
Hey guys, sorry for the late start. I decided when I woke up this morning that I didn't feel like working, so I'm taking a swim in Lake Me today! I've already been to WalMart (didn't forget anything this time!) and now I'm doing some laundry. When that's all done, Imma mani-pedi myself in preparation for when the temperature goes up. It's 40 right now. 40. Maybe that's why I couldn't face a day at work.
How was everyone's weekend? My son's baseball game was a close one but they lost. He did get the game ball, though, from his coach. This coach designates a player after every game to be the MVP and my Scoobs was the first one. *proudmomtear* Other than that and some bee box painting, I did as close to nothing as humanly possible. Ahhhh...that was nice.
Time since surgery: 9 months and a week-ish
B: Special K flatbread sandwich; ham egg and pepper jack cheese. This was pretty good, although I did add an extra slice of cheese since most of the pepper jack melted off in the microwave.
S: string cheese
L: Chicken salad and pork rind crackers
D: venison backstrap with sautéed cabbage and a lil bit of stuffing
TOTALS: Cals: 862 Protein: 85 Carbs: 55 Fat: 34
Venison has crazy protein numbers; I need to cook it more often.

Morning AV and everyone else! I basically was stalking OH for the post to go up this morning as I'm getting a bit of a slow start at work today. I have a super busy afternoon, but this morning isn't quiet. I put in a really (REALLY!) hard work out at the gym this morning, so I just downed my morning snack. I have a feeling this is going to be a bottomless pit kind of day, so I'm going to need to be vigilant.
Had a really fun weekend whi*****luded a visit from DC Girl and her boy! We had dinner together on Saturday and then got to hang out MORE yesterday with a walk around the Italian Market and lunch - so fun. Em, post that cute picture of the two of us!!!
Time since surgery: 13+ months
B: coffee with cream, omelet made with eggbeaters, turkey sausage ,and goat cheese
S: L&F with sliced almonds, more coffee with cream
L: cottage cheese double, string cheese, granola thin
S: almonds and a Babybel
D: protein bar between meetings
S: Somersaults and a Yasso froyo bar
Sometime I'll probably end up eating a PowerCrunch - two protein bars in a day isn't the best idea, but I am in need of easily transportable and easy in the car and no refrigeration needed...what options fit those bills? Help!
TOTALS: Calories 1375, Protein 102, Carbs 104, Fat 64
V/W: started, still struggling with the water...anyone have a self filtering bottle they like?
E: Total Body class at the gym this AM
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
Jerky! Krave Black Cherry BBQ pork jerky is my new favorite thing. Also, those smoked turkey sticks are good for on the go w/o a fridge.
And I saw you guys on FB. Adorbs, all of you!

Sounds like you had fun! Just bought somersaults... haven't tried them. I thought they would be a good snack for the car for an upcoming road trip... gotta have your snacks right?
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
I REALLY like the Somersaults (my favorite flavor is the Cinnamon Crunch but I seem to have a hard time finding those, so Dutch Cocoa all the way), but they're easy to eat more than the 14 per serving - highly recommend counting them out into little snack bags/containers right away!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
I had the same problem with the filters.
I just read a bunch of reviews on Amazon and went with a Brita bottle and put the filters on subscription! Hopefully that will help keep me in line.
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
This weekend wasn't too crazy. Baby shower for my brother and his girlfriend on Saturday, then got the almost 4 year old new shows and sandals.
3 weeks post op
B: 1 1/2 light sausage links (Jones all natural)
S: Reduced fat string cheese
L: 1/2 cup turkey chili with 1oz reduced fat shredded cheese
D: Homemade parmesan talapia with 1/8 cup canned green beans
S: L&F Greek yogurt (Toasted coconut)
Will also have 1 cup skim milk with 1/4 scoop protein powder to get my protein numbers in
Totals: Cals: 554 Protein: 62 Carbs: 30 Fat: 22
I had my first "NEWB" problem this morning. The kids had dentist appointments, and the littles ones slept later then normal. So I was rushing a little. So I decided to have my sausage links on the go. Yeah...NOT a good idea. I didn't chew enough or ate to fast. A bit got stuck...OMG that was NOT a pleasant feeling! I was praying I didnt need to pull over on the highway and throw up!! UGH I have learned my lesson for sure!!
Good Morning! Good for getting out and getting the shopping done early.
Congrats to your son-that's so cool. Nothing much with my weekend, we did get rain most of Saturday morning so that's good news. I tried a new recipe this weekend-carrot cake pancakes-they were sooo good! I finally bought some PB2 and ooohh it's some tasty stuff. I tried it with a handful of things and it did not disappoint.
Time since surgery: 8 months
B: SF Soy Latte, egg beater scramble with cheese and spinach, and some fruit.
S: Cranberry and almond Thin addictives with a light laughing cow cheese wedge (still loving this snack!)
L: P3 ham pack and 1/2 chocolate chip cookie dough quest bar
S: L&F Greek cherry chocolate yogurt with a handful of granola
D: Flat out pizza slice, small salad and PB2 Froyo (Stolen modified recipe from Anny-used plain greek yogurt,bananas, SF chocolate pudding powder and PB2 along with the cool-whip)
E: 1/2 hour stationary stepper and maybe a lunch walk
V/W: on Track
Totals: Cals: 968 Protein:68 Carbs:91 Fat:40
Have a great day!