HELP, scared, disappointed, plain just freaking out!
Wow, I guess I mistook this forum as a support group. Thank you for the advise from those that gave it. No I am not stupid, I'm scared and needed support. I have read everything and worked a program for 6 months. I made a mistake and tried to get support from people who might have known what I was going through. I never once thought this was going to be an easy fix. I guess I'll go where people aren't perfect and have support to give. Thank you for the few that were kInd and offered real support. Good luck on your journeys.
Wow, I guess I mistook this forum as a support group. Thank you for the advise from those that gave it. No I am not stupid, I'm scared and needed support. I have read everything and worked a program for 6 months. I made a mistake and tried to get support from people who might have known what I was going through. I never once thought this was going to be an easy fix. I guess I'll go where people aren't perfect and have support to give. Thank you for the few that were kInd and offered real support. Good luck on your journeys.
It s not being unkind to point out that you are putting your life at risk. Instructions given to you by your doctor are not suggestions, they are *instructions*.
i and the others *****plied are truly giving support. To say that it doesn't matter and isn't a problem wouid be the unkind and unsupportive response,
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,
on 4/19/15 3:16 am, edited 4/19/15 6:27 am
Sorry you took it that way and assumed we would understand you eating 8-10 oz in addition to you telling us you ate pork roast, potatoes and cucumbers at 11 days out. We can not relate to that or condone with a back rub and atta girl. I don't think you understand the possible life threatening consrquenses of your decisions.
If you rub to a group that says that's ok, they are not offering support just enabling you to make the same bad decisions.
w are all adults here. This isn't a tot lot Learn from this !!
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
I didn't ask you to support my bad decisions. I asked for help and support. I knew nobody would say "well done" I wanted to know if others ever messed up like me or felt it wasn't working. I didn't ask to be called stupid. I appreciate the help and those that did support me with suggestions and truth without judgement.
on 4/19/15 4:31 am
Except for Bob(and his is probably out of the frustration of ready another early post op who didn't pay attention to their surgeons instructions) out of the other 99% of your responders, NO ONE called you stupid. It was a stupid move but it has more to do with common sense. You have been given truths here. I don't see judgment.
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
How is it not judgement when in told I'm stupid and that I "pack in" the food? I was never rude to anyone and asked for honest help. I didn't say I thought this was a "tot lot" and Yes I am an adult. Saying I didn't commit and didn't read everything I was given?
I have worked so hard with this process every step of the way. I'm human and not perfect, and I make mistakes. obviously I wouldn't have needed surgery if I didn't. I've learned my lesson here. I have also learned not to be so honest here. I'm sorry I posted everything I did. I hope it didn't scare others away from looking for support. if anyone can related with me, they certainly won't feel safe to voice it Here. Please email me if you can relate to not being perfect and have any other advise.
Thank you for the kind honest replies that didn't make me feel like a failure. Your advise has really helped and I appreciate the support. I'll quietly read posts.
Please remember that not everyone is going to give you the kind of support that you think you should get, everyone else is human too. When someone "tests" their pouch out at 11 days, huge warning bells go off. No one wants to see you die, so people may be overly exuberant to get you to pay attention to what your doing because you're putting your life at stake.
Yes, you messed up, yes you need to call your Dr, asap & don't listen to the staff that will push you off because he's too busy. If he took you on as your patient, then he can make time to answer your questions, no matter how busy he is, make your voice heard. I don't think any Dr would want their patient to feel as if they couldn't reach out to him for help & he should know if you inadvertently damaged yourself so he can be on top of the situation b4 it becomes a real problem that he can't fix.
I'd advise seeing a therapist to deal with any emotional connections you might have with food, or the fears that wls might not work, or just someone to talk things out with.
Don't run away from the forum, I feel most people come from a good place when they give advice, just keep it in mind whenever you get support that you think is too harsh.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Thank you. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive because nothing has ever worked and I worked very hard for this. I did psych visits and throughout the 6 months I worked on my addiction to food. I lost 55 pounds before surgery and have my food journals. I did talk to him about feeling hungry. He reinforced what others said here about liquids going right through. I plan on calling him tomorrow. Only tough part, is getting ahold of him. It's the only program in my state. And I had to travel for everything, so No support groups here.
I guess I just wanted to see if anyone else had the same issues. I didn't want to feel alone. I thought who better than people who went through it. The comments I got from many here, made me feel more alone. I'm not planning on running away from here, but I won't put myself out there again. I'll read posts and just try to support others. There are a few that messaged me with encouragement and it's what I needed. Thank you again for the encouragement.
Yes, sometimes we concentrate so much on the physical part of losing weight, we forget about the emotional part. There are times people might be more sensitive than usual & other times feel like we can take on the world. I feel the emotional side of ourselves need just as much, or even moreso, attention as our physical side.
Please take care of yourself & get the help/ support you need. Good Luck on your weight loss journey.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel