4 months out...hair falling out...
I started losing more hair at about the 3 month mark and it's continued into my 4th month. We normally shed about 100 hairs daily but I've estimated my current loss at 300-400 hairs daily. No bald spots yet, luckily, lol. I've decided not to stress about it and hope I have the same experience the other posters mentioned - it gets better after month 7 or so. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!
Hey Hon,
If you are taking B6 and B12, you cannot overdose on it. Your body will deplete it. I am 12 years out, I never lost any hair. The hair loss comes into play because you may not be consuming enough Protein. You need at least 60 grams of protein a day. If you make sure that your protein levels are up, YES, your hair will grow back. Not sure what you are doing, are you following the program? Are you testing for your keytones? You can get keytone strips at the drug store, you just pee on them and they have a chart on the container so you can compare.
You also need to discuss this with Your surgeon. My son just went thru surgery on Monday this last week. Because My surgery is so old, things have seriously changed.
You need to contact your doctor. I have never lost any hair.
I am healthier than I have ever been. I am 5 foot 1 and I weighed 242 pounds, I got too thin, and started eating more normal and put some weight back on. Which I needed.
Yes, I have also had plastics. I am finally comfortable in My own skin.
Hey Girl!
I lost a heck of a lot of hair. So much so I had to DRAMATICALLY "supplement" for the wedding hairstyle.
It DOES grow back. I have lots and lots and lots of frizzies about 3 inches long. My mom told me that hair grows 1/2 inch amonth...sothat means that is 6 months worth of growth...(16 months-6 months = 10 months!!!).
BAsed on my experience, your hair will start growing back about 10 months post op.
It will be ok. You likely WONT go bald. It may get dramatically thinner, but pony tails and buns just got easier!
Hang in there!!!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat