Does anybody else eat while watching "My 600lb Life?"

on 3/25/15 1:21 pm

Yes I admit that I do watch the weight loss related surgery shows in the evenings. It helps me stay motivated to be reminded of where I was (although I was 409 pounds, not 600) and reminds me to keep working when the platues and basic life happens. The shows are usually on about the time my supper is ready, so I end up having supper while watching (and rooting for them even when they seem not to root for themselves, I always hope they are able to make the healthy choices. A few have shown not to be able to, but that doesn't stop my WANTING it for them) So while the shows are starting and they are showing the before parts and the big food struggles that have caused the weight gains, I am sitting down with my evening meal. Usually something like todays Morningstar spicy black bean veggie patty with a reduced fat cheddar cheese stick cut in strips and cooked over the top to make cheese burger, 1/4th red bell pepper cut into strips, and 1/4th cup cooked frozen green peas. All in all a nice filling meal for me. And wishing that the ones on the shows could find some healthy meals that they enjoy that fills them up at the same time. I am amazed how much they are able to consume post surgery for gastric bypass. Dr Now says the pouch is the size of egg (or yogurt cup, is the one he uses a lot I think) but the patients will eat during the 1st week (While I was still on full liquids) eggs(yes 2) AND sausage or bacon (regular not turkey bacon.) or that kielbalsa WITH ketchup or ranch dressing. I am over 2 years out and still cannot eat the kielbalsa because Taz (my pouch) does not like it. Getting used to what the pouch will allow and what it won't is one of the biggest struggles. I always hope each patient coming on the show will find their best and healthiest way of life with the least amount of problems for them. I know some like to watch shows kind of hoping to see the people fail, but I always hope they find their way. I know too well how it feels to feel lost, so I always root for them, even if I am sitting there eating while I watch.

on 3/25/15 1:29 pm, edited 3/25/15 1:29 pm
RNY on 03/02/15

I watch them too and remember his egg comparison, but noticed the last few episodes he's mentioned he takes it from a football size to a baseball size. And in tonight's episode she ate a cheeseburger patty on bread with French fries on top and on side. Things don't really add up on that show, that's for sure. And I remember that kielbasa episode quite well, he really put a good chunk back, dipped in BBQ sauce too.

I've watched it for a while, and even tho just had surgery not long ago I still feel like I'm gaining perspective watching it, helps me realize even tho we all battle some food issues of some sort, we still fully control what we put in our bodies. Watching them fumble with terrible foods keeps things in perspective in a way I guess. Since I'm not really eating any normal foods yet, I can't really comment on the eating while watching part tho, ha. 


Citizen Kim
on 3/25/15 1:33 pm, edited 3/25/15 1:33 pm - Castle Rock, CO

I'm almost 11 years out (and not perfect) but I did think that there is NO WAY I could eat a sandwich with a hamburger and a side of fries like she did ... (just in terms of volume)

Well, not without a severe barfing episode 

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 3/25/15 1:48 pm

Glad I am not the only one tha****ches it. I do wish they would go back to Dr. Garth and Dr. Robert Davis clinic that they had done the "big Medicine that they renamed "My Weight is Killing Me," I enjoyed that one very much because they seemed most like the regular bariatric surgeons. Of course Dr. Now cares as they do, but this 600 lb show seems to really like trying to push the envelope on how bad it can get. I appreciate seeing the patents that go to the average surgery clinics as well. While they are by no means "the worst case" patients, I enjoy seeing and being able to root for them as well. I follow Dr. Garth who has since their show stopped filming, has went on a plant based diet himself and really tries to steer everybody to eat more plant protein which does not have the heart clogging problems that the animal based proteins do. Personally I like the option to use whichever. But I do enjoy seeing a doctor "put his money where his mouth is." And really would enjoy seeing new ones done from them. Too bad they have no new Davis clinic ones. They advised the well rounded approach that involved seeing the counseler  as well.

on 3/27/15 3:21 am
On March 25, 2015 at 8:48 PM Pacific Time, healthy-rickfan1971 wrote:

Glad I am not the only one tha****ches it. I do wish they would go back to Dr. Garth and Dr. Robert Davis clinic that they had done the "big Medicine that they renamed "My Weight is Killing Me," I enjoyed that one very much because they seemed most like the regular bariatric surgeons. Of course Dr. Now cares as they do, but this 600 lb show seems to really like trying to push the envelope on how bad it can get. I appreciate seeing the patents that go to the average surgery clinics as well. While they are by no means "the worst case" patients, I enjoy seeing and being able to root for them as well. I follow Dr. Garth who has since their show stopped filming, has went on a plant based diet himself and really tries to steer everybody to eat more plant protein which does not have the heart clogging problems that the animal based proteins do. Personally I like the option to use whichever. But I do enjoy seeing a doctor "put his money where his mouth is." And really would enjoy seeing new ones done from them. Too bad they have no new Davis clinic ones. They advised the well rounded approach that involved seeing the counseler  as well.

Hmmmm.  Now that I have read further into the post.  Do you work for Davis?  Here we go with the advocating of a vegan/vegetarian based diet. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 3/25/15 2:02 pm

What scares me is he will say, go home and lose. 10 pounds or so. They come back in a month and all ready for surgery, surgery is soooo much more than what they portray

on 3/25/15 10:45 pm
RNY on 09/12/13

I was strictly instructed by my surgical clinic that I was not to eat while watching television.  That being said, I take my meals at the kitchen table and do no****ch TV while eating.  I do watch the show and feel so bad for some of the subjects, but it is always a matter of good choices.


on 3/27/15 2:49 am

  Good point about not eating in front of the TV. These people who put their lives on TV will also learn to make good choices as we all did when we were struggling with obesity.  


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



Paul C.
on 3/27/15 6:15 am - Cumming, GA

I openly admit to eating in front of the TV,but I find for me it helps me slow down as i provides a distraction.  I typically eat dinner late after a workout and I will eat like a mofo if not distracted.

Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 3/30/15 1:27 am

me too! No distracted eating.

With that said. I HAVE to do something else while eating (liek read a trashy romance). I take my small bite of food, chew to apple sauce consistency. Swallow, read a page. Then repeat.

If I dont have that "page break"... I fall into the pattern of trying to eat too fast (I was a waitress once...). So that page slows me down and gives tuff time to "register"


On plant based proteins. Eggs and tofu do NOT hold me the way a dense protein (like steak does). Even shredded chicken/tuna is iffy as to whether it can take me the prescribed 5 hours. Hence, I fight my hubby for steak


RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

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