What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 3/24/15 10:01 pm, edited 3/24/15 10:04 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Good Morning ladies!  Who here drinks coffee?  Can I just give a shout out to my Keurig (love you boo!) and the McCafe k-cups?  McDonald's makes the best coffee for my on the run pickups, but the new k-cups are by far my favorite as far as regular at home high test java goes.  For my flavored, I love Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce k-cups.  If you can't tell, I'm drinking my coffee right now.  LOL

Kristen's Question of the Day!  I enjoyed reading about everyone's first jobs yesterday so much!  So today, I want to know what musical artist or band you were totally into when you were in school.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I was completely obsessed with Duran Duran back in the early/mid-80s.  I had posters covering my walls, made multiple scrapbooks from the hundreds of magazines I purchased and had alllll the albums.  Yes, actual LPs.  LMAO  I think I may have cried when my mom wouldn't let me go see them at Madison square Garden in 1984.  In her defense, I was like 14, but still.  Duran Duran!!!  I still get a little worked up about them 

B:  coffee (natch) and a Fage 0% with blueberry acai

S:  apples, grapes and cheese cubes.  I got this cute little snack pack at Wegmans

L:  Albacore tuna salad pouch, pork rinds and a cheese stick

D:  Leftover rotisserie chicken and green beans

TOTALS:  Cals:  852   Protein:  76  Carbs:  51  Fat:  38





on 3/24/15 10:42 pm

Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!  Before surgery I drank 4-8 cans of Diet Coke per day (eek).  Pre-op I began to cut soda out of my life and my full fledged obsession with coffee began.  I must have a latte (love my Nespresso machine) or a cup with cream and splenda first thing in the morning.  I usually have 2-3 cups total throughout the day.  I have actually tried Diet Coke since surgery and can't stomach the stuff.  It just tastes nasty to me now.  So strange how our tastes change.

Soooo, I was in high since in the mid 90s.  Grunge was in and I was still in love with 80s hair bands (LOL). My all time favorite was Poison.  I grew up in a tiny town in southwestern Wisconsin so we were always behind a few years.  I also learned to love Metallica (because of a boy, of course).  I have never seen Poison live but I did see Motely Crue this past fall and was pretty disappointed.  I think I've learned my lesson.

Quick Question:  Does anyone use a probiotic?  Does it help with yeast infections? (Sorry if TMI)

Time since surgery: 8.5 months

B: SF Latte and oats with dried cherries

S: 1/2 Quest Bar (during new employee orientation )

L: Costco chicken sausage and string cheese

S: Kay's Honey Mustard Jalapeno Pretzels

HH: ****tail with a friend

D: Unknown

W/V: Started

E: Fitting for new running shoes!  Not really exercise but...

Totals (w/o dinner): Calories 738, Protein 56, carbs 68, fat 20

Have a great day all!


on 3/24/15 11:20 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Oh, man.  In my previous life, I would crush a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi in a single day with regularity.  I loved it so much.  I haven't had it since surgery, but I'll sometimes have a little Sprite -0-.  I always had a habit of tapping my glass on the table to get rid of the bubbles anyway, so it doesn't seem to bother me much.





on 3/24/15 11:30 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Hey Mama!  As for the probiotic I use one daily. I use the Bariatric Advantage Cherry flavoured Probiotic chewable.  I got them off of Amazon I think.  I use it help keep me regular and it works like a charm.  As for yeast infections, I got a NASTY one right after surgery and had to take the pills/cream. Thought I was going to die it was so uncomfortable!  Now I drink OceanSpray Diet Cranberry juice daily. I mix half cranberry juice and half water in a large glass and drink at least two or three of those daily.  I have not had any problems since. So not sure if its the cranberry juice or the probiotic but hope that helps!


(deactivated member)
on 3/25/15 12:37 am

I drank diet soda all the time. I don't think I ever drank anything else. I quite drinking it about four months before surgery. I won't drink it again. 

I am afraid my bad habits will come back that I had when I drank soda. 

on 3/24/15 11:11 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Oh I'm a coffee drinker. I think a lot of programs tell people to stay away from coffee - every time I see the NUT she cautions me, but I proclaim that I've given up SO MUCH (which I wouldn't trade for the world, but still), you can pry my coffee out of my cold dead hands. My last library had a Keurig and I looooved it (even though I felt guilty about how wasteful those little plastic cups are) but there isn't one here at my new place. I'm considering a coffee maker in my office - maybe just one of those little one that makes like 2 cups - if I made a full pot that would be bad...

My day is super unplanned as there is going to be a little party for the retiring director this afternoon and then this evening there is 20% night at a local burger place for the Library. I checked out the menu (Smashburger, I've never been) and it looks like they have burgers, chicken sandwiches, and salads too. There's a delicious sounding grilled chicken sandwich with goat cheese and spinach and if I don't eat the bun we're talking 210 calories and 26 grams of protein, so not bad at all. THEN I have book club, which will inevitably mean some kind of snack...oh how I'm having a hard time making good choices lately.

Time since surgery: 1 year

B: Coffee with creamer, Quest bar (I had bloodwork this morning for my 1 year follow up so I had to fast and then eat in the car)

S: Almonds and a Babybel Light

L: Chobani Flips and cake (at the party - I'm planning for a small piece of cake because...let's face it, cake is good and I'm a glutton lately - so I'll put it in my plan and account for it)

D: Smashburger Spinach and Goat Cheese Grilled Chicken Sandwich without the bun

S: ?

TOTALS: Calories 990, Protein 72, Carbs 83, Fat 50

V/W: started

E: another day with no time

As I've started my new job I've been finding a lot of excuses to not work out. Part of me is ok with it for this limited period of transition where I'm still getting my feet under me, but part of me is saying "Wow! Look how easily you're giving it up" and it scares me. Anyway, I saw this post on Buzzfeed yesterday, 29 Ways to Get Motivated to Work Out, and found some good ideas - maybe you will too. 

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 3/24/15 11:23 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Morning ladies!!  It was a great post yesterday!! 

COFFEE!!! After my husband and my two dogs this is my 4th LOVE in life!!! I also have a Keurig and can't fathom how I lived without it years ago.  I am obsessed with flavoured coffee. So have a 18 count box of Vanilla Hazelnut always in my cupboard so that when the last one gets drunk I have a new fresh box of kcups!! I have not seen the McCafe kcups (hello Canada!!) but I am sure I would like them as I do like McD's coffee. And I must find this SB Cinnamon Dolce flavour, I LOVE all things cinnamon!!  I drink to much coffee and my new obsession is SB Skinny Vanilla Latte's, oy vey I drink too many of these!!

Artists and Bands... so many to choose from but I would have to say Depeche Mode was my all time FAV!!! I have seen them in concert four times and I hope they do another tour, just love them!!!  But I also LOVED, Duran Duran, Platinum Blonde, Madonna (the Like a Virgin years), Michael Jackson (the Thriller years), Tears for Fears.  I didn't so much as have band posters as Actor posters on my wall as a teenager.  So on my walls was Rob Lowe, Michael C. Hall, Ralph Macchio, those types.  And yes I had records and don't forget getting your first "getto blaster" and getting blank tapes so you could tape your fav song from the radio!  Trying to get the play and record button pressed at the exact moment to get the whole song and then of course giving a "mixed tape" to your friends.  Oh the good old days!!!!!

Time since surgery 16 months + one week

B: two cups of Vanilla Hazelnut coffee with 1% milk and splenda & Heath Smart Protein Hot Chocolate

S: SB (Starbucks) Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte

L: (leftovers) 3.5 oz of grilled tandoori chicken over 1/4 romaine lettuce greens

S: Health Smart Protein Hot Chocolate

D: 1.5 grilled Hot Italian turkey sausages and 1/4 cup of Green Giant Summer Sweet peas

S: 2 tbsp hummus and 4 Breton crackers and Health Smart Protein Hot Chocolate

TOTALS: 829 calories (small pouch day again), 105 protein, 54 carbs, 21 fat

V/W: am vits done, calcium on alarms, water no problem

E: Jog at lunch today for 60 minutes, 60 minute walk/jog intervals with the dogs when I get home from work 

Have a fabulous day ladies!  Supposed to rain here today hoping it holds off until the evening!!

Daisy 5'5" HW: 290 SW: 254 CW: 120

Nov 15, 2013: RNY - Toronto Western Hospital, Nov 2, 2017: Gallbladder removal & hernia repair

Sept 7, 2023: three +1 hernia's repaired in bowel

10+ years post op, living & loving life!

on 3/24/15 11:36 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

OMG, Daisy!  You're like my sister from another mister!  Depeche Mode is the **** and I can't tell you how many mix tapes I made in my time.  I actually made one for my husband just last year for our 10 year anniversary.   LOLOL  Granted, it was through FYE and they burned a CD for me, but I got that same old thrill of picking out the perfect songs and putting them in an aesthetically pleasing order. 





on 3/25/15 4:35 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Hey Daisy, you might be able to find the sugar free brown sugar cinn. torani syrup and it is pretty close to the cinn dolce..that does like cinn sugar toast IMO :)

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 3/24/15 11:35 pm - Brighton, IL

I love my coffee and my Keurig too! Because I have a son soon to be a biologist and always an environmentalist I have one of the reusable cup things and use loose coffee. This morning is pumpkin spice. Thanks for the tips on motivation Anny! Getting lazy is a worry of mine too and why if time permits exercise is part of every day. I love the way I feel when I get it finished and the way my clothes fit too! My first music tastes were very diverse and I am showing my age: John Denver and Hall and Oates and I did see both in concert. Post op almost 31 months and weight at 119.2 today. Exercise will be 3 miles at the park with Lily,2 miles on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the bike. On track with vitamins and fluids so far. Here's the eats: B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and half a banana with peanut butter L a cup of ham and beans yum! D 31/2 oz t bone steak and 1/2 c cooked cabbage S Greek yogurt with granola. Have a great hump day everyone!



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