Starting new job right after RNY - Recovery Time

on 3/19/15 2:08 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

As bad luck would have it, I was laid off a few weeks ago.  As good luck would have it, I have received a great new job offer today.  Hooray! 

My challenge is around the start date for this or any new job. I worked with my surgical team to get a date of 4/6 (pending insurance approval).  My potential new job wants me to start on that same date, so I am negotiating a later start date.  

Though I don't do any heavy lifting, the job is a consulting position involving air travel, hotels, etc,  I make presentations, give training, and do other work that's not physically demanding but does require me to stand on my feet.  

As it's a new job (and therefore stressful) I think it would be best to plan for 4 weeks to recover and get my energy back.  So I asked for them to hold the position until May 4. I know everyone's recovery is different but I would appreciate some data points. How did everybody else feel 2 weeks out from surgery? Could you work a full day in an office setting in 2 weeks?  

I would hate to lose a great job by being over cautious, but at the same time, I have to put my health first. I'm Looking forward to input from those who have had RNY surgery and are more than 2 or 3 weeks post-surgery.

Thanks everyone!



137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!


on 3/19/15 2:17 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I think 4 weeks would be best. It gives you time to heal and get your meals on a scheduled. Since you maybe traveling I think this would be really important





on 3/19/15 2:28 am
RNY on 03/02/15

I was 2 weeks out this past Monday and was out fishing all day. No heavy lifting involved but on feet and moving around all day and I didn't have any issues. I still have discomfort around my drain incision that continues to get packed daily but other wise having no other issues at all. 


on 3/19/15 2:29 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Congrats on the new job!  That is so exciting!

So I had laparoscopic RNY on a Monday.  I was 36, with no comorbidities other than weighing 351 lbs the day of surgery.  

Surgery lasted an hour or so, then I was woken up and stayed one night in the hospital.  I went home Tuesday and rested.  Wednesday I just chilled out at home, but without pain.  Thursday I walked to the store with my mom and watched tv.  Friday I went out with friends to a restaurant patio - they ate and drank wine, I had a protein shake :)

I was back at my office job on Monday.

I am having a lower body lift and breast lift tomorrow and am taking four days off of work (though now I work from home so I figure on day six I can log on).

I would not miss out on a great job if I were you - though recovery time varies, I think two weeks will be more than enough.  I could have gone back to my office on Friday of my surgery week.

And during week 3, I had to fly from DC to CA for a business trip, and did just fine :)

Good luck!!!

on 3/19/15 2:44 am - AZ
RNY on 04/06/15

Great data DCGirl! Congratulations on your success and good luck on the lower body lift.  I am sure you will do just fantastic.  Thanks for the input.

on 3/19/15 2:48 am - Standish, ME

I just had my RNY on Feb 25th which was a Wednesday.  I went back to work on March 9th so basically it was a week and two days that I was out.  I feel fine.  I was kind of tired the first week back. I guess it really depends on how healthy you are going in.


on 3/19/15 3:28 am - Canada

I was in a bit of an odd position, I had 2 separate jobs, 1 of which is research based and I can pretty much do on my own at home, so I stayed away from that office for 4-5 weeks just because I had the flexibility.  I also teach at a university and with that one I was back to work after 2 weeks.  I felt fine for the most part, the 3 hr lectures were a little difficult but manageable, everyone is different.  do you think there is anyway they would give you 2 weeks or so to recover then give you 2-3 weeks of modified duties/part time? then roll into the full time

on 3/19/15 3:28 am - Canada

I was in a bit of an odd position, I had 2 separate jobs, 1 of which is research based and I can pretty much do on my own at home, so I stayed away from that office for 4-5 weeks just because I had the flexibility.  I also teach at a university and with that one I was back to work after 2 weeks.  I felt fine for the most part, the 3 hr lectures were a little difficult but manageable, everyone is different.  do you think there is anyway they would give you 2 weeks or so to recover then give you 2-3 weeks of modified duties/part time? then roll into the full time

on 3/19/15 3:43 am
RNY on 01/22/14

I was 33 at the time of my surgery, with no other co-morbidities.  I had surgery on Wed, and was back at work Monday.  I was tired and would sleep for an hour during my lunch break, but that only lasted a few days.  I have a desk job, for reference.  


on 3/19/15 3:49 am
RNY on 02/09/15

Ive honestly never heard of anyone needing 4 weeks, but if you can why not go for it?  If it means losing the job though, I'd try to pu****  I had mine done on a Mon, Home Wed, minimal driving Thurs, Minimal grocery shopping Fri, by 1 week after surgery I was physically able to do most anything, although I did like that second week off work to get into a routine as far as foods/water/etc. I actually returned to work after two weeks.

Good luck on your journey!

I'm Jo   HW 245, SW 236, CW 151 Yeah (Normal BMI!!!!)

M1=213 (-23), M2=201 (-12), M3=186 (-15), M4=175(-11), M5=166(-9), M6=157(-9), M7=153(-4) 



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