What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 3/18/15 2:22 am, edited 3/18/15 2:22 am
RNY on 07/17/14

I was talking about your upcoming plastics with my husband last night and I'm super psyched for you!  Is that weird?  I was like "my online friend is getting her LBL and boobs done and I'm so happy for her!"  LMAO

I'm absolutely getting the works done when I'm at goal.  LBL, BA, arms and whatever else I damn well feel like.  Every time I start thinking about it I start singing "Dance 10, Looks 3" in my head. 





on 3/18/15 2:53 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

You're so sweet, Kristen!  Everyone is so happy for me and supportive of me...it's amazing.  I am super psyched and I just need the excitement to surpass the fear lol.  I keep telling myself it will be worth it when I can workout without wearing tight yoga pants pulled up almost to my bra to hold me in LOL.

on 3/18/15 12:54 am - Brighton, IL

I can't wait to see your before and after pictures. I am so jealous! I would love to have my tummy done. It's ythe only thing now that makes me sad. My arms and legs are pretty darn good for a 55 year old lady but the tummy skin with nice tight muscles underneath makes me sad. I would love to be able to see my abs instead of hanging skin. But unless I have an unknown rich relative die I will live with what I have and be thankful I am married to a wonderful man who loved me even at 270 pounds!



on 3/18/15 1:52 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Awwww I hear ya, Karen!  My current boyfriend says I am perfect the way I am and seriously doesn't seem to notice my extra skin, but as I told him, I am doing this for me and no one else!  I work too hard at the gym every day to have a stomach and breasts this terrible!  I will for sure be very TMI and share before and after pics.  Why not?  LOL

That's awesome your husband is so supportive and loving.  And you're so tiny now!!!  I weigh 40 lbs more than you do :)

on 3/18/15 1:41 am

Good Wednesday Morning from NC coast where it was 81 yesterday and will a high of 58 today.  Yeah, welcome to my world!!

Spring is always just insane in my house, I really need to take off the month of March. My husband coaches 2 softball teams and my baby girl plays varsity at the high school for what is her senior year.  Senior night is May 1st and I tear up at the thought of it.  This weekend we are touring a college in Raleigh where she will possible have the opportunity to play softball in college. I am trying to contain my excitement until she signs with them, then I will BLOW UP facebook  :)

We have 3 dogs. Yes, I know 3.. Lily is a black lab mix and is 8, she was my oldest daughter's dog but when Jenn moved out she left her with us since we have plenty of room for her to run.  We lost our beloved lab/chow mix Reese last year and after I got over the trauma I went to the pound and got a White/ yellow lab mix named Charlee who is now 8 months old . She's a mess.  She is definitely the second child. If you have more than one kid, you get what I mean.  The first is "perfect" the second is head strong and independant.. LOL  I still think Lily misses Reese and is trying to figure out why I brought this baby home..  In the meantime, my 2nd daughter in college and her infinite wisdom took in a dog that her friends could no longer keep and brought him to our house while shes away at school  (grumble grumble)  Meeko is a brown pit/lab mix and a really good boy.      

I have taken to working out in the mornings then going to work because after work is just impossible and my weight is almost at a stand still. I am a little manic about it right now.

Surgery :  June 30, 2014

B: Click Mocha

S: after workout:  Black Cherry Greek 100 yogurt w 1/3 cup go Lean Crisp.

L: Salad w protein most likely

S: fruit

D: left over corned beef w carrots.  don't think I ll do cabbage two nights in a row.

V: always!

W: on track

E:  20 minutes elliptical, 40 minutes weight machines for upper and lower body. 


Tonight at 10pm, Diane Sawyer is interviewing Julie Andrews and will be getting the story behind the story of The Sound of Music, I am beyond excited. I love her  I love her voice and it's my favorite movie ever!! Can you tell I am excited  LOL?  

Have a great day


on 3/18/15 1:48 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Good Morning Everyone,

I over indulged yesterday and am feeling it today.  It's going to be a very very long day at work....I guess that's my punishment :)  I have 2 dogs, Scully (a yorkie/****zou mix) and Koufax (a ****zou).  Scully is mine, but he fell in love with my parents dog, Koufax, and would get this crazy dog depression if they were separated.  So, we keep them together and do joint custody, lol.  My parents have the dogs 4 days a week and I typically get them Fri - Mon.  Its nice though b/c it allows me to be irresponsible most of the time and I don't worry about the dogs when I plan weekends away and my parents, who travel a lot, know that I'll take them when they are away.  It's kind of a strange arrangement, but it works for us.  I posted a pic of Scully who loves the camera, but Koufax is terrified of having his picture taken, its the strangest thing.

Time since surgery: 13.75 months

B - Fage w/ protein granola (I'm not liking the protein granola, its very dry and has no flavor)

S - String Cheese

L - TBD, work lunch

D - Turkey carnitas

W/V - On track

E - None planned yet, but I think yoga may be in my future

Have a great day everyone!


on 3/18/15 2:28 am - Grain Valley, MO

Can't wait for lunch at 12:30.  I had a Corozona bar but it just didn't hit the spot.  I'm trying to avoid eating anything until lunch time.  No corned beef and cabbage for me.  I went to my great nephew's birthday party at a burger place.  The burger was delicious but I also had some onion rings......bad, bad me.  Had to take some antacids when I got home.  At least, I was smart enough to not have their milk shake or a sundae.  Hubby had the shake with his meal and a Hot Fudge Sundae for dessert. 

I have 2 Shih Tzu's, Sammy and Sophie, and they are spoiled rotten.  If I had a bigger house and more money I would have at least 2 more.  We also have a cat named Kitty.  His owners named him so no changing his name.  He is a beauty and a big cat at 19.4 lbs.  I'm not really a cat person but I do enjoy him and he is very affectionate.

B:  Click shake

S:  Cordona bar

L:  Chili

S:  Quest bar

D:  Cube steak; green beans



RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

on 3/18/15 2:40 am
RNY on 07/17/14

I would have a couple more dogs, too, if my house was bigger!  What I really want is a cat.  We had cats in the house, at least two at a time, the whole time I was growing up, and it's still weird not to have one.  My husband claims to be "allergic" but I'm not buying it.  LOL





on 3/18/15 2:36 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Ahhh... pets. In my adult life I have had 2 dogs. Ist was a 30lb mutt named Babe who lived 16 years, second was an English Black Lab named Maxine who lived 12 years. Maxine had diabetes the last 2 1/2 years of her life and I had to give her insulin shots twice a day. I miss her terribly but I live alone now and having a dog would just be too hard. She got the diabetes just as my son was leaving for college. There was and is no one to share the responsibility with. Ugh. It makes me sad. Happy memories though. I do have a few plants I am trying to keep alive, including a pineapple plant I grew from the top of a pineapple from my cousins garden. (she lives in Florida) It doesn't grow pineapples but it is actually pretty hard to kill or I would have done it.

B: Premier Vanilla with SF hazelnut syrup and instant coffee.

L: leftover Chicken stirfry

S: Some type of Bar

D: Salad and Veggie burger with added protein powder - very excited at a grocery store I randomly found this veggie burger mix I haven't seen in years. You mix it up yourself, so you can add extra things to it like plain protein powder and it comes out moist, not dry.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005TY1G4Q/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_d p_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687782&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=2 01&pf_rd_i=B000GZUAEK&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1A3X02VV

S: Chobani yogurt stick, apple

E: yes V:yes: W:yes

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 3/18/15 3:56 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hey Everybody

 Checking in late today.  I was busy this morning and also did exercise for the day.

I live with a taco bell dog, can't spell chiqua?????.  She is crazy and runs all over when you get the old girl going.  (She is 12 I think)  Millie that's her name also came from a shelter.  She lived her first 5 years as a breeder.  She loves it here though and is really a good girl. 

24 weeks since surgery

B  egg, slice of bread, cheese wiz, turkey bacon, and coffee

L  shrimp scampi and asparagus

D  steak, salad, asparagus

S  Not sure

Have a great day all


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