weight gain

on 3/19/15 1:35 am - middletown, OH

 Hello i need help had Rny 11/25/02 , I am 4"10 I only lost a total of 83 pounds. My Dr said it would be hard because i am so short.dumbest thing i ever heard. Non I have gained 10 lbs and i know its not much to you but im scared to death. I tried to do te 5 day pouch test but cant dink protien shakes.I am bored to death and i graze.Please any help will be appreciated

on 3/19/15 2:14 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sounds like you need to find a cure for your boredom. Perhaps make a list of things you like to do that you could refer to when the grazing becomes an issue.

Instead of the 5 day test just go back to basics. Protein then veg. Cut out carbs for awhile

Good luck





on 3/19/15 4:53 am - Brighton, IL

You have taken the first step by admitting you have a problem. The five day pouch test is a waste if time for most because we need solid dense protein to feel full. Liquids go right through the pouch and don't leave you feeling full at all. You need to eliminate any white or processed carbs like rice,pasta,potatoes and bread. Eat three meals if one cup of food (measured)consisting of about half dense protein(eggs,chicken,beef,pork or seafood) and half non starchy veggies. If you need a snack between meals stick with protein like string cheese,small amount of deli meat or Greek yogurt. Make sure you are drinking at least 64 ounces of fluids and record and track what you are eating in a journal or inline at myfitnesspal. I keep track of calories and grams of protein to make sure I am getting good levels. Post a menu for a day here and we can help more. You can do this!



on 3/21/15 5:29 pm - middletown, OH

Thank you so much I appreciate your information.

Kathy S.
on 3/19/15 5:18 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Bonnie

You have already taken the hardest step by saying enough is enough and now I want to get back on track.  Here are some steps I hope will help you. They helped me...  Also, be sure and join the Back On Track Together group link in my signature area.  


Remember when we were preparing for surgery?  How many meetings, classes and such did we attend?  We were told the more prepared we were the better our chances were for success.  And they were right. Go through the house, car and work place and get rid of trigger foods.  Stock up on foods that will keep you on track. I removed every carb/sugar temptation and replaced it with lots of protein, veggies and fruits.  


Get back to journaling.  This will help you identify when you feel like eating, stress factors and any triggers in your life.  Once you identify these factors, this will help you put tools in place to keep you from eating.  It became clear I was not taking time for me anymore. I worked my day job and then spent the rest of my time caring for my husband.  It was easy to reach for fast, prepackaged food.  Since I purged my home I have to eat clean as there are no other options LOL

Use a tool to track you're eating and exercise like Getting Started with Health Tracker

Once I started to track ever bite and drink it became clear why I had gained.


Make a list of goals for yourself.  Make them realistic and small.  Some of mine were move more, purge all junk from my home, eat more protein.


In general, a long term post-weight loss surgery eating plan includes foods that are high in protein, and low in fat, fiber, calories, and sugar. Important vitamins and minerals are provided as supplements. (if you had a different surgery adjust this to your food plan)


Water is our Best Friend. I have to say I never went back to pop or any bad drinks, however I was drinking tea like crazy. What is wrong with drinking tea?  I was either using sugar or 3 equals and 3 sweet n lows per 32 ounce glass.  So I was either pushing to be diabetic or get cancer.  I found once I started carrying a bottle of water around 24/7 (yes had one at my bedside) I lost the cravings for the sugar and I KNOW those artificial sweeteners are not good for me. Look I am old and if you add up all the artificial sweeteners I have consumed I am sure I am at the rat in the lab getting cancer threshold


I can't say enough about how key this was for me. The reason I kept my weight off for almost 10 years was no matter what I kept moving.  If I could not go to the gym I would walk. I loved Zumba, bootcamp workouts, lift weights. When I stopped, the weight came on.  So for me I am starting slow to avoid injury by walking and using some of the workouts on my Demand TV.  Find something you love to do and it won't feel like a pain in the *** to do daily.


If it's an option "run" don't walk to a support group.

Keep me posted on how you are doing

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 3/20/15 12:32 pm - middletown, OH

I only went to the information meeting. No nutrionist no info go home eat what you want in small portions that's all.but I'm trying

on 3/23/15 5:29 am - middletown, OH

It seems to be going well.getting water in only cup of food I feel great .I need to get the walking going and moving.thank you so much for your help

on 3/24/15 9:51 am - middletown, OH

Kathy Is their a certain amount of carbs aday

White Dove
on 3/19/15 12:21 pm - Warren, OH

Weight gain is from eating too many calories.  The only way I can control my weight is by eating less than I burn.  The is no magic in protein, protein shakes, water, low carb or high carb.  The secret is to count the calories and control them.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 3/19/15 2:07 pm - middletown, OH

i am starting over first thing today thank you for listening

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