Things are looking good

on 3/18/15 9:54 pm - Rocky Point, NC

My consult yesterday pretty much went as I hoped. I have 2 nutrition classes and 2 mental health visits to complete then we can schedule surgery. My insurance is easy to deal with so far on this process. There are a lot of fees that have to be paid that are not covered by insurance such as a $100 "administrative fee" from the surgeons office and the nutrition classes are not covered so that $200 for those. I really hate that all the pre op stuff costs so much it can really make having the surgery difficult. I will have appointments for the next 3 weeks and hopefully by June I will be having the surgery. Have a great day everyone!

on 3/18/15 10:20 pm
RNY on 03/10/15

Glad you got your consultant yesterday and found out what hoops you got to go thru. I was very fortunate that  I guess that I had no Administrative fee's for my surgeons. My Nutrition class was included in with the price of the two week meals I bought to do pre-op total 188.00. My mental health evaluation was covered by my insurance and my  diet supervised visits were included as provider visits and I ony paid my insurance copay for those.


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on 3/19/15 4:48 am

My psych eval was $95 (cash), each NUT and doctor's appointment was a $20 co-pay. Thankfully all of my NUT appointments were covered via insurance as well as my monthly group meetings. This Monday (3/23) I meet with the NUT to pick up my 2 week pre-op shakes/vitamins ($20 co-pay & $425 for pre-op shakes/vitamins/goo), then on Wednesday (3/25) I meet with the surgeon for my pre-op appointment ($20 co-pay & $750 for deductible). Ouch. Then I'll have to pay 20% for my surgery/hospitalization/surgeon via my insurance. Thank goodness I have the "Bank of Mom" who will temporarily bail me out until I can pay her back.  It's a lot of money to come up with all at once.  Oh, and all my pre-qualification tests (blood test, upper GI, EKG and Chest X-Ray) and pre-surgical (blood tests & EKG) are all billed at 20% too.  Looks like I'll be working lots of overtime to pay for the benefit of getting healthy!  I'm super excited and looking forward to starting the next phase of my journey...for now, I'm just BROKE!


on 3/19/15 5:25 am - Rocky Point, NC

I hear ya on the BROKE. I am at about 600 for visits and admin fees and copays. Everything is scheduled as far as the NUT and psych visits and classes I will be done at the end of April. I could be going in for surgery as soon as MAY!! Super happy. The dr will hopefully work out payments with the deductible and co insurance. I cannot wait to do this!

on 3/20/15 10:27 am
RNY on 01/22/15

I also spent what felt like a ton of money on all the pre-ok tests, fees, etc, but I've hit my out of pocket max for the year and I also save a TON of money on food! No more drive throughs, dinners out, treats, etc. It may not balance out completely, but I feel like I have so much more cash now.



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