Hunger Change

on 3/15/15 11:42 am - PA
RNY on 05/16/12

In may I will be three years out.  I have noticed a increase in my appetite lately. Its like I get cravings, they just shouldn't happen... Just to get back on track I am considering my pre surgery 2 week full liquid diet.  I was down to 136 have gained about 10 lb back.  I am well aware that this is somewhat normal, just wanting to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.  Any suggestions/thoughts/experiences of the same? Worked too hard to get here to let it slip.

Denise Marie SW 248 CW 156 Roux-en-Y 5/16/12                        


on 3/15/15 1:02 pm
RNY on 09/26/14
On March 15, 2015 at 6:42 PM Pacific Time, denise0530 wrote:

In may I will be three years out.  I have noticed a increase in my appetite lately. Its like I get cravings, they just shouldn't happen... Just to get back on track I am considering my pre surgery 2 week full liquid diet.  I was down to 136 have gained about 10 lb back.  I am well aware that this is somewhat normal, just wanting to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.  Any suggestions/thoughts/experiences of the same? Worked too hard to get here to let it slip.

If it were me, that's what I would do! I'm only 5 mos out, but I already worry about regain. I believe you are wise to nip it in the bud!!

White Dove
on 3/15/15 4:42 pm - Warren, OH

The trouble with a crash diet is that the weight will come right back when you start eating again and usually bring a few extra pounds with it.  They hurry up and do surgery after that two week liquid diet so the weight does not come back on. At 30 months I started regaining about a pound a week and gained back 12 pounds.

I tried many diets and plan, including Weigh****chers again.  It is very hard to get regain weight off and I never lost all of it.  In my case I had been eight pounds under my goal.  I have gotten back to my goal weight and stay there but it is work.  I weigh daily, measure weekly, count calories and have but my intake down to 1400 where I can maintain my 136 pound goal weight.

Cravings do happen.  The plan just plan gets boring.  Cravings are worse when you eat more carbs.  The only thing that will work long term is to only eat enough to maintain and also to weigh daily and make sure that you are not gaining.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 3/15/15 5:57 pm

Hi Denise!

First let me start with that I saw your stats!  We had similar starting and goal weights!  Congrats on your success.

Second- my surgeon said a fluctuation of 8 lbs around your final weight is "normal."  I and others on this board disagree. I had a post about his recently but it took me something like 16 days to lose 8 lbs when I goofed up and got into too many carbs (I have/had PCOS and can pack on the pounds really fast in carb presense).  Yep.  Crazy huh?

Third-I recommend going low carb for a bit. Get off the craving/sugar crash wagon.

Fourth-take up meditation. My surgeon recommended it.  Cravings are literally an emotion/feeling. It will pass.  YOU control your response/actions to the craving. The craving isn't supposed to control you. Mediation also helps if you are an emotional eater because it forces you to "sit quietly" with yourself and objectively "watch" the thoughts, feelings, attitudes pass through without being "caught up" in them.

Good luck and decide to do better now.  8 lbs in 16 days is a very long hard haul.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 3/15/15 8:52 pm - PA
RNY on 05/16/12

Thanks everyone. Going back to basics and will monitor carbs and such.  I believe I will still perhaps try my liquids for at least breakfast and lunch, small and healthy dinner.  I will update with progress.  Some regain is normal, I realize that. 10lb is unacceptable, that's where we start to get in trouble...allowing a "normal" small regain my allow us to be lax as more  and more small regain occurs.  Feeling determined!!

Denise Marie SW 248 CW 156 Roux-en-Y 5/16/12                        


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