One Month Out and Just Not Feeling Well

on 9/30/14 1:42 am

I'm a little over 1 month out from surgery (8/28) and I basically just don't feel well most of the time. I'm tired (to be expected) but more often than not my stomach feels upset, I feel nauseous from eating, and now all of a sudden I can't stomach the protein shakes -- I can barely choke down 4 oz at a time. I've been following my doc's requirements and gradually increasing the types of foods I'm eating. I'm still on the soft-food stage (finished pureed 5 days ago). I'm drinking water, so not dehydrated. But I just feel blah. I have no interest in food, and at the same time am obsessed with what I'm eating (and not eating). It's been such a short time (although feels like forever) and I'm happy with my weight loss (24 lbs) but still feeling depressed about not eating and wondering if I made the right decision to have surgery.

Can anyone shed some light on how I'm feeling? Is this near-constant nausea normal and will it subside eventually? Any ideas or suggestions?

I appreciate all the helpful advice on this board -- it's been a gift having you all available.


Joan, Annapolis, MD

5'3"    SW: 248   Surgery date: 28 Aug 2014


on 9/30/14 2:15 am
RNY on 08/13/14

Yup, I could have written this (in fact I probably did) around 3 weeks out.  It DOES get better.  Your tummy is still healing so the burning, nausea, blah feeling is so normal.  Have you tried Tums and are you taking a PPI (like Prilosec or Nexium)?  Once I started on a prescription called Carafate (for ulcers), I felt a million times better.  I still take it 4 times/day.  It coats my tummy an hour before I eat.  Feel better soon!!!  I'd call your surgeon's office, they are there for you and will have suggestions for you as well.  xoxo

Lanie; Age: 43; Surgery Date (VSG): 8/12/14 w/complications resulting in RNY next day;

Height: 5' 6" SW: 249 Comfort Zone: 135-140 CW: 138 (10/13/17)

M1: -25 lbs M2: -12 M3: -13 M4: -7 M5: -11 M6: -10 M7: -7 M8: -7 M9: -3 M10: -8 M11: -4 M12: -4

5K PR - 24:15 (4/23/16) First 10K - 53:30 (10/18/15)

on 9/30/14 2:28 am

You know, this is so ridiculous but I never thought about calling my surgeon's office. I guess I didn't see this as a "medical" issue (like bleeding form an artery or something). I will call today -- thank you!

Joan, Annapolis, MD

5'3"    SW: 248   Surgery date: 28 Aug 2014


on 9/30/14 2:23 am - United Kingdom
RNY on 05/20/14

I am sorry you are feeling low and unwell....I am sure you have heard many people say it is early days yet....but it is!  I can't comment on the nausea as I did not have any, but I certainly was obsessed and repulsed by food...An interesting relationship when I had clear enough space in my head and my time schedule to think about it!

I am convinced the feeling of being low and lacking kinetic energy is partly due to the anaesthesia and also the shock our bodies have gone through.   Some of us ( me included) also have altered taste senses and that makes food a gamble since we eat so little we don't want to waste our food on stuff that doesn't taste good.  I have thrown a hissy fit ( and I am not prone to throwing things across the room!) when I made poached eggs and was really excited to be eating them...they cooked too fast, tasted rubbery and besides all that, I could only get down 1/2 an egg.....I got up, and stomped over to the sink and threw the plate and eggs into the sink...crash!  I think my family was going to commit me!


I got tired of thinking about what food I could eat, what would taste good, not wanting to eat, weighing myself incessantly...what happened to the relaxed, smiley fat lady who made food for everyone and could pack away anything put in front of her.....


Things got better at about 6-8 weeks and then at 21/2 - 3 months it began to develop a rhythm and now I still weigh and measure everything, still keep track of everything I eat but I enjoy it and am more creative with it and go out to eat allot without panicking....


So...not sure about the nausea, but hang in there, try to relax, it really does get better!


Good the way, I am a Joan too!

on 9/30/14 2:54 am, edited 9/30/14 2:54 am

The part about being the "relaxed, smiley fat lady who made food for everyone and could pack away anything put in front of her" really resonated with me. That's exactly how I feel...where did that woman go? I'm guessing she'll be back, in another incarnation and with different motivation! :)

Thank you -- this really helps!

Joan, Annapolis, MD

5'3"    SW: 248   Surgery date: 28 Aug 2014


on 9/30/14 3:24 am - Brighton, IL

The smiling fat lady won't be back but her twin,the smiling healthy lady will be. And she will be smiling even more because she is truly able to enjoy her life. And she'll be cooking for people again and maybe getting them to eat tasty healthy things without complaining. I went through a phase too where I hated food but now I am back to normal,in fact I enjoy good food even more because I take time to savor flavors instead of just inhaling it! My husband and college age son are losing weight and feeling better too!



Lilly M.
on 9/30/14 8:48 am
RNY on 09/10/14

Loved reading your post!


Revision from Nissen Fundoplication to Roux-en-Y on 09/10/14. HW (214) 05/12/14 SW (198.8)

on 9/30/14 3:53 am

At your stage I hated I even had to eat. I weighed after I even peed. It gets better I promise!!!

on 9/30/14 4:10 am - Canada

I was so happy to read your post.  Sorry for how you are feeling but happy cause I have been beating myself up as well.  I am post op 4 weeks today and I too am having a lot of trouble with the stage.  I went from liquid to the puree stage and now I am back with liquid (soups, yogurt, oatmeal) again.  I had a bad week last week, where a lot of the food including a few new types of soups I tried, just didn't go down.  I am at the stage where I would prefer not to eat, then to bring it back up.  The tireness, omg, its unreal, but in reality the food that energized us... is not longer there.  I am strugging with the water, real struggle and not getting my amounts in, but I keep trying.  I spoke with the dietician and she reassured me that it will get better.  Everyone heals different, so take 4 week, some 6 -8 weeks, but she emphazied to eat what I could and to continue to drink my liquid, take my vitamins and rest when tired.   I am hopeful that each day will be a better one and a month from now things are some form of normal.  I wish you all the best....  PS I will speak with my surgeon on this coming Monday. 

on 9/30/14 5:15 am

Water was difficult for me to get down for the first few weeks.  But when I used Crystal lite, it went down so much easier.  Now I have no problems with water.  Usually drink between 80-100 ozs every day.  It gets better.  Just be patient with yourself. 

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