Ice cream is everywhere and stalking me.
HI Gang,
I am loving life and the ralph lauren I can now wear.
I dont dump much..just surgary foods like ice cream. I loved ice cream. I tried it twice after surgery and threw up both times.
Well, ice cream will always be sort of like that "bad boyfriend you loved, dumped, but still has a hold on you." I try to avoid ice cream and any place where it is going to be.
This works. But darn it. There were TWO icecream socials at work. ONe yesterday and one today. I feel like ice cream is stalking me!
I remember how it tasted. I remember what it did to my hips and how it made me sick. I know ice cream is bad. But just knowing that it is around making me hyperviligant. I want to run to the gym and hide there the rest of the day (where I know ice cream WONT be).
I know I am strong. I know that I am doing well on my journey (per my surgeon). However, I hate this weakness/hold ice cream had on me. I worry about falling back into old patterns.
Here is to avoidance and tae bo at 5 pm.
Until then- I must think about my Ralph Lauren dresses and not ice cream.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
I get those cravings on occasion too, and going to the Dairy Queen just is NOT an option (I really get pretty sick too) I found So Delicious brand no sugar added coconut mil**** cream is pretty well tolerated. I always laugh because it's usually no good for the next time I want it because of the long times between cravings. If desperate, I will freeze a container of yogurt...will do in a pinch.
I know that Its not the same but is there anyway you could freeze a protien shake or a greek yogurt?