Need motivation

on 2/12/14 8:25 pm - TX

Good Morning Everyone,

Just thought I would drop in.  I haven't been here in awhile and felt like I needed some inspriration/motivation.  I had my RNY Aug 16, 2011 and have done very well with my weight loss. I have lost 123 lbs and have kept it off.  I'm really proud of that.  The reason I'm back today is because I feel like I have gotten complacent and I need some motivation.  I find myself snacking more since I rarely dump anymore.  I still work out but not nearly as much as i was doing.  I think part of my7 mind is telling me that I am invincible when I know that is not the case.  As i was looking at my profile in the mirror the other day, it is changing.  I see the roundness coming back around my mid section - I am freeking out!!!   I don't want to be the one who gains all of her weight back.  I know what I need to do, but just need some motivation.  During my first year and a half, I think I was on this site and got lots of support ALL DAY EVERYDAY!!  I guess then i started thinking I was cute and didn't need this support anymore - I had it all under control.  Well now I'm back and want advice.  I haven't gained any weight but my figure is changing and I don't like it.

ALso my daughter sells herbalife and is trying to get me involved with it.  I notice their protein shakes are soy as opposed to whey.  Does anyone have any advice on this?

I'm glad to be back and anyone out there who doubts this site - don't.  This is the most support that I have gotten from anywhere or anybody during my journey.  So now I'm back and won't stay away this time!!  Welcome to all new members and hello to all of my friends out there!!


on 2/12/14 8:39 pm - OH

What do you mean she is trying to get you involved in Herbalife?  Like she wants you to seel them too?  Or wants you to use the shakes?  I wouldn't use them because they only have nine grams of protein in a 90 calorie shake.  Many other brands like Unjury and Syntrax Nectar have about 20 grams of protein in a 100 calorie shake.  They are also much lower in sugar than Herbalife.  But if you want to sell them, then I guess go ahead.  I just don't think they are very good products.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/12/14 8:53 pm - TX

Hi Kelly and thank you for responding - I always value your advice.  And yes, she is trying to get me to use their shakes.  The first thing I noticed is that thiers is soy and I've always used the whey.  Should we choose one over the other (soy or whey)?  I also noticed the difference in sugar content.  I guess i was just having a desperate moment in my state of slight panic. lol  just trying to get back on track!   Thanks for your thoughts

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 2/12/14 9:16 pm - OH

We -- well, everyone, not just those with gastric bypass -- absorb whey better than soy, so you will absorb more of the protein from a whey shake.  If a soy shake has only 9g of protein, you aren't going to get even all of that (which is already pretty measly by RNY standards).  

Whey and egg white proteins have a PDCAAS (digestibility/bioavailability score) of a perfect 1.0 while soy is only .74, which means you will get only 3/4 of the 9g of soy protein, which is only 6g!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 2/13/14 3:27 am
RNY on 05/13/13
On February 13, 2014 at 4:39 AM Pacific Time, poet_kelly wrote:

What do you mean she is trying to get you involved in Herbalife?  Like she wants you to seel them too?  Or wants you to use the shakes?  I wouldn't use them because they only have nine grams of protein in a 90 calorie shake.  Many other brands like Unjury and Syntrax Nectar have about 20 grams of protein in a 100 calorie shake.  They are also much lower in sugar than Herbalife.  But if you want to sell them, then I guess go ahead.  I just don't think they are very good products.

Same questions, same overall response. 

Not anything I'd want to be eating. 


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




MyLady Heidi
on 2/12/14 8:57 pm

I read and post everyday, it keeps it real for me.  You aren't invicible and weight gain is possible once you get further out and forget what got you fat in the first place.  If you are over 50 menopause plays a role also.  I find I can't eat more then 1000-1200 calories 5 days a week and 1500 on the weekend to maintain with no exercise besides walking.

Good Luck.


on 2/12/14 9:31 pm

For a long time after surgery I put the scale away and only weighed at the doctor's office.  At 30 months, I had an appointment and was up three pounds.  From 128 to 131 put me in the 130's but it was not a big deal.  After that I gained three pounds a month until I was in the 140's.  I joined Weigh****chers at 142.  I could not get any weight off.

I have periods where I have gotten back to 137 but then go back to 142 or even 146.  This is the bounceback regain that my surgeon warned me about from day 1.

You are at the point where every pound counts.  If you are not weighing daily, then I urge you to start doing that.  If you don't want to gain your weight back then you must make it a point to work at not gaining.  Calories are the only thing that really matters right now.

It is easy to ignore the roundness in the mirror and the slight tighening of clothes.  It is not so easy to ignore the number on the scale.  Your body learns how to hold onto calories again and keeping the weight off gets harder every year.  My honeymoon lasted for 30 months.  It did end.  Now I start over everyday and remind myself of how far I have come and how easy it is to gain that weight back.

Kim S.
on 2/13/14 5:39 am - Helena, AL

First of all, good for you for getting a grip on it early.  When you see a "roundness" in the mirror, it is because it is real!  We have to pay attention to all the signs, or before you know it, we can be up 20 lbs. It is easy to get ****y thinking "we are normal" but in reality we must never take our eye off the ball.  Each year it gets trickier.  You must consider what you consume and what you burn and maintain balance so you don't gain.  A question:  Why are you doing protein shakes?  This far out you should be able to get all you need from real food which will keep you feeling full longer.  Protein shakes are high calorie sliders....they do not keep you feeling full.

Exercise........a necessary evil.  It really can be the difference in maintaining and gaining, especially if you don't want to live on a strict diet.


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