Post Surgery pain please help
hi Joe
If she has thrown up 40 pills over the last week I wouldn't be concerned about the pills I would be concerned about her poor freshly constructed pouch! I'm shocked her surgeons don't have a 24 hour assistance for stuff like that. I'm really sorry.
hi Joe
If she has thrown up 40 pills over the last week I wouldn't be concerned about the pills I would be concerned about her poor freshly constructed pouch! I'm shocked her surgeons don't have a 24 hour assistance for stuff like that. I'm really sorry.
It has not been 40 pills i was kinda saying that to make a point that she is not over taking. The dr came over sent her for a ekg. They think it could be the end of where the surgery was done this is joe typing lol. She is resting and nervous it could be a leak and its scary to be honest. Where in the ER its 3 am and i have to leave at 5 or so am to go get her mom ready. I just feel so bad for her but i guess there is not much we can do. Her dr office stinks imo, they get people in put them there this plan. If they do it they get you in for surgery and thats that. They said oh we will watch her mental health, her medical be in contact and all that. I am so mad how they spoke to her she put the nurse on speaker phone and i really really was blown away. She was like look i am in pain i am out of meds and i do not know what to do. Pretty basic question and then they go in to all this bs. We should know if its just normal post pain and she goes home or back to the Or. I am nervous for her they gave there pain meds threw her iv 2 times one befor the ekg and one after. Only good thing is i am wide awake and ok to drive home. To bad its like -20 out side. thanks everyone and i know Marissa is thankfull for everyone sharing there issues and kind words. take care