Chopped my hair
I finally got sick of my thin, stringy hair. It was getting worse since surgery. I'm two years post op and my hair and nails are a mess. I ended up cutting 10" off my hair. First time I have had my hair short since I was a kid. Does anyone take supplement specifically for hair and nails. I've heard of Biotin but was told that I would start growing more hair where I did not want hair?
I have taken Biotin once a day since 2 months pre op and have not had a problem .....still lost some hair but that has subsided now. I am still taking Biotin and feel it has strengthen my nails alot...not sure what the benefit to my hair is... but I am awful glad I took it and the hair loss is hopefully over. I do keep up with my protein and I believe that helps alot with your hair.
If you have a biotin deficiency (which is rare) and that's what making your hair and nails a mess, then taking a biotin supplement would help. If that's not the cause, then taking it won't do much. Kind of like if you have a cough, and the cough is due to a bacterial infection, then an antibiotic would help. But if the cough is not due an infection, then an antibiotic isn't going to do anything.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
on 1/16/14 5:49 am
One thing when I did go to beauty school was we learned our hair and our nails are made of protein.I am not sure if when we don't get enough protein does it make our hair fall out.I know some medications can make it fall out.I will check it out in my books when I get home from work.