PSA: Take my post with a grain of salt
Long story short: I take ambien to help me sleep off and on for the last year. I do weird stuff that I don't even remember. I do not drive though so that is a plus. I have posted on here MANY times and seriously had no memory of it until i wake up the next day and see that i have replies. So if you see a stupid post from me or a mean one then i apologize in advance. I have posted about this before but the post from me the other day about "pouch size" was a prime example of doing stuff that I don't remember. Before anyone tells me that I need to stop taking it i just wanna say that yes, i have tried EVERYTHING and ambien is the only thing that works. Unless you truly suffer from insomnia then you do not understand why that i still take this.
The majority of my replies to that post were actually made from me when I remembered. It's not funny honestly but I have to laugh because I do some seriously stupid stuff and have posted some wacky **** on facebook before.
So I just want to apologize in advance. The majority of the time i just post some weird things but i have found myself posting some mean things from time to time. I don't take ambien everyday....maybe 3 -4 times a week but its a godsend for me with some negative side effects that I can deal with.
Thanks everyone!
FYI I took it for quite a while with no problems. That is why I was so surprised that after at least a year of taking it with no problems all of the sudden I was doing these things. At first it was like an isolated incident and I thought it wouldn't happen again but it did a few weeks later and then it was several times a week.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I had the same problem with Ambien. I posted on Facebook, sent out friend requests to people I didn't like or know, even made some calls, cooked and all kinds of things. Once I woke up and my nails on my thumbs were gone. I quit bitting my nails years ago and it was painful for days I had bit them so short. And after they grew back I did the same thing again. I tried to stop but like you I couldn't sleep and I know about insomnia. I would be up until 5 am or more, just could not sleep and it was hell so I put up with the Ambien even though it was scary. What finally did it was my daughter coming to me crying her eyes out and I didn't have a clue until she told me what I had done and said and I didn't have a clue. Before I would have some vague memories of things and my daughter would tell me and i kind of remembered bits and pieces. This time, nothing. I could not believe the things she was saying and I thought she was lying but she was way too upset. I was giving my dog his medicine and dropping it and she was scared I would give him the wrong amount or the other dogs would get it. I guess I also said some really ugly things to her when she tried to get me to go to bed and I was fighting her. I promised her I would never touch it again and I haven't.
I also tried Lunesta and it didn't do a thing for me, either, except make water taste nasty. I had been on Trazadone for many years and that no longer worked. I was scared of the insomnia but I was more afraid of the Ambien so I decided to tough it out and you know what? I slept without anything, for the first time in I don't know how long. Now I will take some Benedryl or Melatonin if I really can't sleep but most nights I am fine. I don't know how and I don't know why. Even my doctor was amazed since she had been with me through years of insomnia. This was about 2 years ago and while I occasionally have some difficulty sleeping or staying asleep it is much more manageable then it ever was. I have some 3 mg chewable Melatonin and sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep I will suck on one of them.
I'm not suggesting that you stop taking the Ambien or anything like that since I know the hell of insomnia. I am just saying I understand about the behaviors while taking it. I also found that I had been eating some of the times and that scared me because I usually don't eat after bed. Fortunately it wasn't anything I don't usually eat but I worried that I might at some point. My health record even says that I can't take it. I wish they could come up with a good sleeping aid that didn't have the side effects.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I currently have a Rx for Ambien. I took the 5mg with nothing, still awake all night long. Then I upped it to 10mg. I fell asleep, but not stayed asleep. That sucks too!!! I use to take benadryl, but I get a terrible benadryl hangover from it. My mother in law gave me some Unisom (over the counter) and it knocks me out!! I am afraid that I am going to build a tolerance so I switch between the Unisom and Ativan. I have also heard some crazy weird stories about Ambien. Good luck sleeping, it keeps us saine!!
I am opposite of you...I'm of on Ambien (that's what I take, now,) but when I take Lunesta all hell breaks loose. I eat TONS, I strip naked, I make strange calls, I have looong conversations that I have no recollection of, I send emails...the list goes on. Don't worry too much about offending people, I think most of us understand the Ambien crazies once you explain what happened.
I have horrible insomnia but have always been afraid to taken Ambien or Lunesta for fear I might eat and not remember or any of the other bizarre behaviours that can occur. I had a friend on Ambien call me once and it was bizarre and he had no clue he did it, it really did scare me. I would love to sleep through the night, but its impossible. I think some of my middle of the night posts are probably nasty also as I am so sleep deprived sometimes I really thinks if ***** with my head. I try very hard to read read read anything I can until I fall asleep but it is usually 3 hours a night from 2-5 or 3-6 that I am wide awake, and then dead tired when I am supposed to be getting up. It sucks. I can appreciate how you feel about needing the Ambien.