dealing with traumatic medical stuff
I know I've posted about this before but it's something I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with so I thought I'd ask for some feedback.
About a year ago, I had a really traumatic experience where I was treated in the emergency room and had a painful procedure performed without any pain medication. That's not the whole story but it's the gist of it. Since then, I've been really distrustful of doctors. Imagine that. But it's not just being distrustful. It's really causing me a problem because I have a very hard time now seeking medical care when I need it. My back pain is out of control lately and I finally made an appointment with my PCP for tomorrow but I feel very anxious about going.
I know I'm not the only person that's experienced something traumatic medically speaking. How do you deal with it? How do you get over it?
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I would go back to the ER and ask to talk with the chief head of the dept and present your experience and ask:
1. why they did it and
2. ask if there was better way that it could have been handled.
If you aren't satisfied with the answer check with a higher authority or a different hospital ER. Some medical personnel are bad at communicating. I think you need to resolve the first experience but don't deny yourself treatment based on one bad experience. The next time you are faced with it be sure to verbalize your concern before you are treated. When patients speak for themselves, care givers will be more respectful....hopefully.
I did have a meeting with the head of the ER and someone in the hospital's legal department. They told me that according to my chart, I never requested pain medication (which I did multiple times) and that the procedure wasn't that painful and is often done with no pain meds. When I told my doctor that, he seemed very shocked and said he'd never heard of it being done with no pain meds.
I did report the doctor to the state medical board. I don't know what, if anything, they did. Probably nothing.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I have experienced similar personally, as well as seeing my Father mistreated and over medicated prior to his death, and recently winning a negligent death case for the death of my mother in law due to inept medical care.
I avoid Dr.'s like the plague, but like you my back pain, which has been an issues for years has been out of control since just after surgery. What I did was to ask advice of medical professionals about who they would see if they had my issues. I do not see any medical professional that has not come highly recommended, and then I am still weary. A consultation never hurt anybody, and I am not obligated to listen to anything that this professional has to say. I take everything with a grain of salt and then do a ton of research.
As it relates to backs, I just had an MRI 3 weeks ago, and not looking forward to the consult I have on Tuesday with a spine surgeon at the suggestion of my PCP.
RNY - 4/17/13 HW - 463 SW - 428 CW - 263
I have also asked other medical professionals who they would see and I think that's a great way to find a skilled physician. I don't think it hurts any to tell the doctor you are referred to "Oh, Susan Jones (or whomever) recommends you highly."
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
on 12/11/13 2:38 am
It is a shame when you need someone you are afraid to seek there help.I would call the hospital and tell about the horrible experience that you had.I had a horrible expereince in the ER and I will never go back unless I am dying. I mean that. It is very upsetting when you are not feeling well to be treated that way.I would make sure the doctor in charge at the hospital would know about the care you received,You may help someone else walking into the doors of the ER if that medical person is put in their place.I would tell your pcp how you are feeling.I love mine he is such a great man and understanding. I hope you feel better soon.I think before we use a doctor we should have to interview them.
I've been known to interview doctors before I see them for treatment. Like, to go in with a list of questions and everything. I mean, we are hiring them for a very important job. Only makes sense to me to interview them.
I'm not sure I'd go back to the ER if I was dying. Seriously. It's just such a crap shoot. At least you can get references and interview a doctor you see in their private practice but at the ER you have no clue who you'll see. I've gotten excellent care in ER's before. And I've been treated unbelievably badly in ER's. You just don't know until you go which one you'll get.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I agree with BWB Kelly. You are very articulate in your writings. I would speak to the ER director or the Hospital Administrator. My former PCP was not very good and I didn't feel I got the best care from him and he would even tell me at times that he didn't know how to treat me. How's that for a confidence builder? When I spoke to him about pursuing WLS he was totally against it, told me how dangerous it was and how I just needed to push away from the table and quit eating so much. I then decided to find a new Doctor, so far I am pleased with her and believe she is trying to give me good care. When it comes to our health we MUST be assertive and take the bull by the horns when necessary. Doing so gives us back a little bit of control and lets bad Doctors know we won't stand for bad treatment. Hope you fell better soon and hope you regain your confidence. Not all Doctors are bad, I think you just met one of the bad apples. Steve
About 2 years or so ago my mother almost died after a routine colonoscopy. It was so unexpected for all of us. She was having internal bleeding and didn't know it. Went to work and ended up passing out in a supply closet and when she came to was covered in blood and feces. Needless to say she was rushed to the hospital and ended up having emergency surgery that night. When she came out of surgery and they were wheeling her down the hallway she looked up at me and said "I'm not dead..I thought for sure I was going to be dead" She was fine and back recovering in no time but about a month later she had some real did my sister and I. It was like even though she didn't die we got hit with too much reality. Turned out she had some PTSD. For my mom what helped her was meditation and yoga. I used more traditional counseling. My sister had her own ways. I think the best advice I can give (and that's all it is) is to figure out what works best for you in any situration..are you self reflective or do you need someone else to bounce things off.
We can say all day long that it what you went through was terrible but rare and that chances are you can trust another doctor. Doesnt matter if its true or not you have to process all the way through what you went through and how you feel about it. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you. Trauma comes in a lot of shapes and sizes and effects us all differently. Good thoughts with you. I'm sorry you had that experience. My mothers had me so shaken that when I went for my endoscopy before my RNY I had a long talk with the Dr. about how badly it scared me. He didnt have the greatest bed side manner but it was obvious he was trying and he didnt roll his eyes at me so thats something . :P

HW - 297 start of Pre-op - 290.2 SW- 279.2 GW - 145
A middle aged over the hump and over what "I'm suppose to do" woman, with the wild spirit and a nasty case of depression and anxiety!