Ferritin/Venofer Infusion
Last month I went to see my PCP for an unrelated compliant and ended up having bloodwork done and was diagnosed with anemia. My hemoglobin/hematocrit were low but my ferritin was alarming...it was a 4. I have been taking a multivitamin and an iron supplement but based on my numbers it was not enough. MY PCP prescribed iron for me and wanted to recheck in 1 month. Well it went up to 5. Now on Monday morning I have my first infusion scheduled. Followed by Wednesday and Friday.
1-Is it normal to have 3 infusions in the same week?
2-Has anyone here had Venofer infusions before?
-If so, how did you feel? Any reactions? Side effects? How often do you do infusions?
3-Is this a life long thing? Or once my numbers are up would taking an iron supplement daily be sufficent?
Thanks in advance. I'm super super nervous!
I'm not sure if it will be life long I didn't need them after my last labs.
You should feel better after the infusions. Venefor IMO worked better for me than the Infed but cost way more out of pocket.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
I work in an oncology/hematology office. 3 infusions in one week - that's completely normal - although I've had patients with six in a row, too. There are very few side effects, tiredness, nausea. It's not an instant thing, those meds (Venofer, ferrlecit), take time to work in your body - maybe a week or two until you feel better. Once your numbers are up, you won't have to take the infusions anymore, unless they fall again. If they keep falling, your doc will want to find out the cause. Best of luck! :)