hormone dumping??
My surgeon, who got a PhD in neurophysiology prior to becoming a surgeon, said she had not seen any medical evidence of the alleged hormone dumping with rapid weight loss. She believed that most of the emotional issues are due to the body being under tremendous physical stress from the surgery and the drastic drop in nutrition, the emotional response to eating so little (or not eating) in the first month or so post-op (one of the reasons she gets people back on soft foods right away), grieivong food, fear of failure, etc, along with the short-term normal hormonal reactions that can happen as a result of any surgery (which she confirmed has been documented).
When I was early post-op and feeling emotional, I did a search for something scientific documenting hormones being stored in fat and the rapid release during weight loss, and I found nothing.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Hormone dump was a huge concern for me because I'm on a lot of psych meds, and I take the Depo shot to prevent hormone swings. Thank God I haven't lost my mind. Yet.
My journey: http://avabyrd.wordpress.com/
I definitely was emotional but I admit it could be from a variety of factors. What I do know is that my menstrual cycle- which was pretty close to normal pre-op is still out of whack 11 or so weeks later. My periods are now 2-3 weeks apart and have been horrible. I have been reassured that once my weight loss slows this will get better. I asked my surgeon if I should follow up with my OB/ Gyn and was assured that I did not... that this was "normal." If its normal, I don't like it. LOL.