Iron Low...Iron Infusion

on 10/20/13 11:49 pm - IL
RNY on 09/10/12

Hi Everyone.


Its been 1 year, and I'm down 125 pounds.  This surgery saved my life!  I went to my 1 year check up and they said my iron levels were very low (they have always been on the low side, but they are now:


Hemoblobin 10.7

Hemotucit - 33.9

Iron Total - 26

Iron Binding - 6

Iron % Saturation - 4

The doctor said, now is the time to get an Iron infusion.  Has anyone else had this done?  I read the side effects and now i'm freaking out!!  Would love some advice, and to hear from people who have had it done.  I know its something that takes hours to get done, but is it one day? 

Thanks in advance for yoru help!



on 10/21/13 12:01 am

Dina, do you have the ranges too?  Also, what about your ferritin level?  It definitely looks like your BEST bet is iron infusions.  How tired are you feeling?

I've had two rounds of infusions.  The first was Venefor iron with IV push, which actually made me feel better pretty quickly.  The second round was Infed which took about 1 hour per infusion (had 6) and although I felt better not near as energetic as with Venefor.  Saying this we are all different in what will work but I will encourage you to get with a hematologist and get the infusions ASAP.

I had absolutely NO negative affects from either.  They tested me both times with a little of the iron through IV and gave me Benedryl in case I did have a reaction. 

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 10/21/13 12:20 am - IL
RNY on 09/10/12

My Ferritin level is at a 4 Rang is 10 - 232

Iron total is a 24  Range is 40 - 175

Iron Saturation is 6 - Range is 15 - 50


I feel great, but tired by the end of the day.  I think part of the problem is I feel WAY better than I did when I was carring around an additional 125 pounds, so I'm not complaining, but my husband does say I go to be earlier than normal.

Thank you for letting me know how you did, I started reading the side effects and the reactions and started to freak out!


on 10/21/13 10:59 am

i have the iron infusions once/year.  i take benadryl about 2-3 hours before i go to clinic and then they give me iv of benadryl and start the drip. i have headaches after the infusions and have never had a reaction.  it makes my ferretin level got to way high then it eventually goes down.





