Interesting piece of info I learned in this week in regards to protein and water
You are absolutely talking my language...nerdy science!!! Thanks so much for sharing this...makes perfect sense. Please feel free to share more and talk nerdy to us!
I'm glad I have gotten such positive responses. I was afraid I was going to come off a know it all! Haha
You are definitely not coming off as a know-it-all...just someone who is educated and awesome enough to share! What is your major?
I understand your excitement and desire to immerse yourself in something that interests you; I'm the same way when it comes to neurology. I had dinner with some friends last night and they said they always knew I was smart but didn't realize the depths of my neuro nerdy-ness. Hehehe. If I were you I would be using the amped up MFP, too. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Thank you so much for this information. I am soaking up all information I can get before I get my surgery. I want to be as prepared as I can be. Plz feel free to share anything else you feel that is valuable.