What to do about clothing - other than buying
Right after I had surgery I started doing the thrift store rounds once a month. I hit all the church ones because they are usually the cheapest ($1-$3 an item or my fav, $6 a garbage bag). So once a month I went and I would spend about $40 each time. I would buy anything I liked from the size I was (I started at a 22) all the way down to a 10. I couldn't imagine being a size 10 but the clothes were so cheap I figured, why not. I set up bins in my closet and everytime stuff started to get loose I would open the next bin. I am one year out and down to an 8 (sometimes a 4 for the love of holiness!) So I had to start some new bins! Literally every single article of clothing I have (except underwear, though I will buy bras at thrift stores because I go through them so fast) is from a thrift store. I have the most beautiful wardrobe ever. It takes some time but really, $40 a month is nothing. Have fun!
I guess I should start buying in smaller sizes. I'm hesitant because I feel like buying that smaller size is a reward, so I don't want to do it before I've earned it.
I'm jealous of your finds, though! We have two thrift stores in my area. One is useless. The other sometimes has some good clothes, but the best ones are nearly retail price.
I may need to do some traveling and find another store!
My journey: http://avabyrd.wordpress.com/
The hard work you do every day to use your RNY right deserves rewards. And with my way you get two rewards, the one when you buy it, knowing that you will get there, and the second when you pull out the next size down bin (and I guess the third when you bag it up after it gets too big and bring it back to the thrift store).
Keep looking for better thrift stores. Luckily my husband loves going to thrift stores so we spend a good part of a day each month going all over to different ones. Goodwill has a huge one by me but it is a little expensive ($4 for pants, I love that I think that is too expensive!) Search out the thrift stores run by churches, they are often the cheapest. See if there is a St Vincent De Paul in your area, they are run by the Catholic church and that is where I get a garbage bag for $6. Totally worth seeking out. It has been really wonderful to have beautiful clothes at every single size. Just last week I got an Anne Taylor shirt and Calvin Klein jeans, each for 50 cents. Yippeeee!!!! And don't even get me started on the down coat I got for $5, i agonized about that $5 but finally my husband was like, "I just looked it up online, it retails for $179, buy the coat!"
What made it really work for me was to buy in multiple sizes, that way I got a good amount of clothes at each trip and that really added up to a nice wardrobe at each size and made the day long shopping adventures worth the time. Now that I am settled in to one size (I think) it is harder because I can only buy in one size so I find a lot less. But in the beginning I just bought everything! It was great!!
I will never be able to shop at regular stores again!
Goodwill in metropolitan areas, burkes/bealls outlets, thrift stores (although I haven't had much luck there). When you go, check out several sizes and choose things ahead of time, especially tops which you can wear a smidge big if you "skip" sizes.
You can always try Gwynnie bee if you can afford it. I travel for work and have to have professional clothing so it ends up being economical for me, although I understand its pricy for most budgets. I got nice stuff at Macy and Dillard's clearance.
I find if I can get a nice jacket and slacks, then I can go cheap on the top and no one notices. Nice shoes too 😃
if you want to check out GwynnieBee, this link gives me credit, but even if you don't use my link, I still recommend the service wholeheartedly.
Oh, is that one of those clothing rental places? I've thought about doing those, because the clothes look so nice, and you'd get to always have them in the right size, but they are a little out of my price range. If I had to dress nicer, I'd consider it, but since I wore a maxi sundress and sandals to school today, I'm not sure I can justify it. I love to look, though!
My journey: http://avabyrd.wordpress.com/
I love that description! That's definitely how I've always shopped!
My journey: http://avabyrd.wordpress.com/