Just started my journey

on 9/28/13 2:39 am

Hi All--I figured I'd introduce myself to the group,  

I've been thinking and researching weight loss surgery for over a year now.  My pcp recommended that I get it.  I'm thinking of getting either the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass or the Vertical Sleeve, I haven't fully decided yet. I weigh 350lbs, and I'm 5'2".  I have no idea how I gained so much weight.  about 7 years ago, I was about 180 but then college and life happened and I've gained almost 200 lbs since then.  I have a ways to go for my dream goal weight.  I've tried countless methods (as I'm sure most have here) and nothing seems to work or stick.  It's depressing.  

I went to my first seminar at the local hospital a couple of weeks ago--got my pre approval done by the insurance company (thank god it's covered) and I had my initial consult with the NP outlining everything that I have to do.  I have my first psych evaluation scheduled for next week, and will be beginning a series of behavioral workshops which start Oct. 9th.  I also have meetings scheduled with the nutritionist and physical therapist for the beginning of October.  I have to lose 23lbs before I can be cleared for surgery (I'm terrified that I'm not going to be able to do it.) and finish up these appointments then hopefully I can set a date! I'm hoping to get surgery done the beginning of December. 

I'm getting married on 10-12-14 so I'm trying to get it done ASAP so I'll be into (which the hospital is calling) phase 6 of postop, which is where I'm beginning to eat "normal" portions (and by normal I mean what I'm going to be eating for the rest of my life postop, not my normal now)  I'm scared, nervous, excited and wish I could just get through it already. If there was one thing you wish you knew before having surgery or going through the process--what would it be?

on 9/28/13 9:33 am - CO


     Congratulations on your approval and your exciting journey ahead.  I just had my surgery 3 weeks ago and it has been a back and forth journey; one minute I am regretting this decision and the next I am so happy about it.  I didn't have to lose weight before hand but a friend of mine did and she did great so I know you will be able to succeed as far as that goes.  

     One thing I wish I knew before hand was that it is painful.  I was only thinking of the good that was going to come of it and the thought of pain never crossed my mind but when I woke up from surgery I was in a panic because I was in excruciating pain.  I'm sure yours won't be as bad because I had a complication with my asthma during surgery and they had to cut off all pain medication until it was resolved ( a couple of hours).  Another thing is that I had to do these connection classes for 6 weeks before surgery, they prepare you for your new lifestyle and overall I'm glad my insurance required them.  They kept telling us throughout our course that we need to slowly start getting bad habits out of our lives, i.e. cutting out soda and fatty foods etc.  I had every intention of doing that but somehow it never happened.  I told myself that after surgery I wasn't going to want these things, but I was wrong.  I have had severe cravings that are just now starting to go away.  So, all that being said my suggestion is get your bad habits out of your system as soon as you can, which will also greatly help with your initial required weight loss and if you aren't already, be prepared for this long journey.  They were right when they said this is NOT the easy way out.  


Best of luck, keep me posted



Oh, and congratulations on getting married :)


on 9/28/13 9:58 am

Hi Alyssa, 

Congrats on your surgery! I also have to do 4 behavioral workshops that sounds like what you had.  I don't eat completely unhealthy, so I'm trying to work on portion control already.  I have a copy of the nutrition plans for the different phases so I think I'm going to try and stick to a couple of the menus, or as close as I can.  And I'm actually terrified of not waking up after surgery. I've never undergone major surgery before, so I'm terrified.  I'm fairly prepared for the pain, but hopefully it's not going to be completely horrible.  Hopefully getting the bad habits under control will also help with the pre-op weight loss.  Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.   How are you feeling 3 weeks after? If you work, when did you go back to work (or haven't you gone back to work)? Good luck to you!! 

on 9/28/13 10:41 am


Stop worrying about not waking up after surgery and being in great pain!  You're going to be fine! Soon enough, you'll be posting good news here about the first 20 lbs. you've lost and all the great things that are happening to you.

Hundreds of thousands of people across the US have this surgery every year and surgeons have been doing it since the 1970s. Statistically, your chances of having health problems are far greater without the surgery than your risk of complications, much less death. The surgeon wouldn't operate if you had any real risks, so try to stay calm. It helps to recognize that you are afraid of the unknown, not the surgery, and to re-frame your thoughts accordingly. It's kind of like being afraid of the boogey man when you were a kid and now you know he doesn't exist. :-)

I'm probably older than your mother and have a wonky heart, nasty arthritis, and 2 artificial joints, but I sailed through the surgery with ease and my recovery has been a smooth ride. If I can do this, so can you!!!!  I had pain meds for one day after surgery and haven't had any pain since, just a little tenderness in my midsection for a week that didn't even warrant a tylenol. No complications, just a textbook case. If you do have pain, ask for meds and take them. Your medical team doesn't want you to be in pain, because pain slows healing so they have every incentive to keep you from being in pain! As a veteran of multiple major surgeries, I'll let you in on a not-so-secret formula---the trick is to take your pain meds on schedule, before the pain begins to ramp up. It's much harder to overcome pain once it starts, so you have to stay ahead of the curve.

Afterwards, you are going to be absolutely thrilled when the pounds start slipping away like never before. You'll be amazed how wonderful it feels to finally get control of your body, your health, and your life. You have so much to look forward to and are going to have so much fun!!!  I look forward to seeing your post-op posts!

Lisa O.
on 9/29/13 1:19 am - Snoqualmie, WA
I haven't had my RNY surgery yet, it's scheduled for the 14th, but I had another WL surgery 5 years ago, (lap band). It worked great for me at first and I lost 116 lbs. but then I had complications and had it removed in May. I wish I would gave had RNY to begin with. The other thing I would recommend is that you start some therapy as part of your WL game plan. There's a reason you gained so much so fast and working on the "why" is just as important as your new eating habits.
Congratulations on taking charge of your life!
Lisa O.
on 9/29/13 11:05 am - MI

Congrats on your pre-approval. I didn't have to lose weight before hand but I started using my fitness pal and runtastic and have lost 30 pounds jus****ching what I eat. I wish you the best

Jamie Nichols


HW:321    CW:263   GW:125 

I am a tiger who is earning her stripes!! 


(deactivated member)
on 9/29/13 12:20 pm
RNY on 09/08/14

I also just started the process for surgery. I have to do a 6 month waiting period before I can be approved through my insurance. Part of the process involves meeting with my PCP monthly to document weight loss. I don't have to lose a specific amount before surgery I just have to show weight loss each month. I met with the dietician this past week and I'm officially starting tomorrow. I'm also nervous and very worried that I will fail. I've never posted to forums before but I figured I can use all the help I can get! Good luck with your surgery!

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