You try and you try....slightly OT

on 9/24/13 1:33 pm

I'm just glad I'm not deallng with teenagers anymore.  I feel your frustration.  

on 9/25/13 9:00 am - Lawton, OK

remember its not a life change for you but your family as well. my child is a bean pole like my husband he backs this 100%, I know where you are coming from as a parent but like you said why more sugar than you need. I personally HATE fake sugar but I really enjoy truvia. its the only one I can stand and if you don't over do it you cant even taste the difference in your coffee. it doesn't take much at all. I just had the open roux en y and ya know if your fam wont all get on the band wagon it can be hard on you. like I am only a few weeks out and it kills me when hubby wants jack in the box or taco bell . I wont keep him from eating it he doesn't do it often but when he does he will go in another room or not take me thru the drive thru when he gets it because the temptation is just well sucky lol. In my house its like this if I say no then Hubby backs it and vise versa. at the end of the day the extra sugar really isn't good for anyone so why start bad habits when the kiddos are younge is the time to instill healthy choices and natural sugars like you said the apples are sweet enough alone. I totally understand where you are coming from and maybe have truvia in the house and sugar a small bag around for hubbys coffee that the kids don't know about? Good Luck and hope ya get it figured out. I sounds more like you were mostly venting but I hope some of the advice on here helps  ^.^

