has anyone else's stomach looked like this? (gross pic)
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Yikes! wow i had some nasty bruises but not nearly that bad!
Disclaimer: I have not had surgery yet.
I have had 2 c sections and I developed an abcess after the first one. It was very painful and drained and while I bruise easily, it never looked like this (and the incision site was a lot longer). I was in the hospital for a week after having surgery to clean it out and then IV antibiotics. I really don't think that looks normal. It does look like a hematoma and I truly think you should call your doctor and go in to have it checked!
I have had 2 c sections and I developed an abcess after the first one. It was very painful and drained and while I bruise easily, it never looked like this (and the incision site was a lot longer). I was in the hospital for a week after having surgery to clean it out and then IV antibiotics. I really don't think that looks normal. It does look like a hematoma and I truly think you should call your doctor and go in to have it checked!