I made it!!
Surgery was Monday, I made it through with flying colors. It was a lot rougher that I had hoped it would be, but thankfully I had dilauted and morphine lol. Aside from that, I'm surprised at how little energy I have. I'm sure it's a combination of just having major surgery, narcs and no food for a week. Hoping it gets better soon. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of the support leading up this point and the support from here on out. :)
Glad things went well for you, congrats! you are now on the losers bench!
I just had surgery on the 4th and i struggle with low energy as well. Hopefully moving to purees on
sunday will give me some energy back.
Remember...sip your fluids and walk as much as you can tolerate. It really does help.
Your energy level will improve in the next month. Just take it easy and don't overdo things. I know we moms tend to do that sometimes.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty