How do I get 65g of Protien in on a Full liquid diet???

on 9/19/13 6:08 am - Goleta, CA

If you want to eat the cream of wheat, cottage cheese, etc., try mixing in a scoop of unflavored protein.  I did that with greek yogurt, cream of wheat, and soup when I was on the liquid stage (I couldn't have cottage cheese until the soft foods phase) and was easily able to get in the 80 gram minimum my doctor requires.

The guideline I was given was shoot for a minimum of 20 grams of protein per meal - plus add 2-3 protein based snacks.  

I was doing 1 or 2 protein shakes a day (I use the Costco Premier Protein shakes which have 30 grams of protein) and then added protein powder to everything else I ate.  


HW  372 |  SW 338  |  RNY 8/28/2013 



on 9/19/13 9:47 pm
One way my bariatric team suggested getting more protein is by adding powdered non fat milk to liquid milk and using non fat evaporated milk in your cream soups. Just an idea...
on 9/20/13 4:05 am, edited 9/20/13 4:06 am - Canada

You can add protein powder, Beneprotein powder or skim milk powder to your foods, especially yogurt.  I added skim milk powder to my milk to up the protein. Try ready made protein drinks like Isopure, or Premier Protein.  I've heard good things about Unjury chicken soup but haven't tried it. 

I, in no way, got my all my protein in for the first 2-3 weeks.  I was concentrating on just getting a few spoonfuls down of whatever I was eating (which was always protein first).  I didn't even do protein shakes until about a month out.  I just couldn't get alot down.  Plus I was concentrating more on getting water down.  It's a battle those first few weeks and it takes time to get into a routine.  You aren't going to die if you don't get enough protein/food down right away, but definatley work towards the goal stated on your plan.

Good luck!

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