bloated and other icky tidbits..
We had surgery the same day. I've yet to go to the bathroom as well. I was just telling my husband earlier when I was getting up off the couch that I felt like I was 9 months pregnant and about to pop! I have that same bloated feeling and have used some gas x strips today too.
I had surgery on the same day as you as well, and the first few days were definitely miserable. I had that bloated feeling and pain too. I stuck to my walking though, and I was passing a lot of gas yesterday, so now I'm deflated. This morning, I have diarrhea though, so I'm not sure if that's normal or not. My doc's office said my bowels would move after about 4 days or so, so that's about on target with what they said. I just don't remember them saying it would be diarrhea. Is this the same for others?
I was bloated and gassy for at least a week after surgery. Stretching and walking helped me pass it but I never had a large expell then release it was just little by little. The gasx didnt seem to help me at all. And as far a b/m I didnt do that for 9 days after surgery. I did a little bit of everything so I dont know what finally worked. I used Miralax, dulcolax, prunes and a collard green and strawberry smoothie concoction my daughter made then finally boom! lol
Heaven is where you'll be when you're okay right where you are. (Borrowed from a friend)