lbs to goal?
As I look as peoples' tickers today, I am struck by how many have less than 20 lbs to goal! Congrats! What a great feeling to see the end so close.
Reminds me of an old Seinfeld routine where he said he was "next" in line and that that was the greatest feeling in the world... something to look forward to!" LOL
Anyway... congrats to all you who are so very close to your goals. Are you excited? What are you feeling as you near the end of a major goal?
Oh gosh, you can do this. Listen, go do a search on this web site for "stalls", plateaus.
Plethora of info on this site and it is so helpful. Also google "Pouches for Dummies" or something like that. Some really good info for those of us heading to 1 year mark with a slowing of weight loss.
Another good, no great book is by Garth Davis who is a bariatric surgeon and star of a tv show called Big Medicine which I have never seen or heard of. But the book was amazing, got it from my library!!! His Dietician is awesome and explains things so well.
God bless, stay in touch with us on the board and you WILL succeed! Look how far you have come.
I hit my doctor's goal a few weeks ago, now I'm 8 lbs from my own goal....and it makes me nervous. I'm not sure I can get there, since the weight loss is so much slower and then I'm worried that I won't get lower than goal so I'll have some room for any bounceback I can't control. I'm excited and happy, but also anxious as I have a hard time not focusing on the lumps and bumps and still see myself as bigger than my size and weight indicate I am. This whole thing is amazing, but getting my head to catch up is a challenge.