Request for prayers or kind thoughts...whatever you offer
It's been a really rough week for me...last Friday night, my brother was shot 6 times in a robbery attempt in Nashville...he survived after crawling into the street for help. He has a long recovery ahead of him, but thankfully,will be fine. Today, my 73 yr old mother is in for some MAJOR surgery...well, 3 surgeries rolled into one process. They have been totally upfront with us that they have some major concerns, but that they are holding on to the fact that she is a strong, willful,and at times stubborn and awrnry woman, and that may be what keeps her going through all of this.
So, for believers, I ask for prayers, for non believers, kind thoughts, for anyone I between, whatever you do when you are faced with tough times to help ease it...light a candle, this point, I will take anything positive offered.
I have nothing but love and appreciation for everyone here...thank you all!
Oh wow, you're going through a lot :( Sending prayers & hugs !!

Maureen Tired of Living my Life in the Dark