update on my brother
So for those of you that saw my post last night about my brother in a coma, he still hasn't woken up. His liver is damaged but improving and his lungs have improved though he still can't breath on his own. However, his kidneys has completely stopped functioning and he was started on dialysis this afternoon. I am getting past the shock of it all but I now keep wondering what the future holds for him. Even if he does wake up and miraculously doesn't have any brain damage or lasting issues, he'll still need a kidney transplant or dialysis forever. Most people I know who have gotten dialysis have a low functioning kidney and get it a couple times a week. Both of his kidneys are not functioning at all! How often would he need dialysis? Could he really live like that forever? He is only 18. Is the rest of his life going to revolve around doctor appts?
I just saw your post and I wish I knew what to say to you. I wish everything works itself out. May god be with your brother And I'm saying prayers for you and your family. I'll light a candle for him . I have children myself that are 23, 19, and 12 so with that being said stay strong and have faith that god will made it better .
keep us up to date with your brother
Hi Heather, I have been thinking about you. I know you will be able to get more information as time goes on. I know you would be allowed to call the nurse's station and being as you're the sister they can give you more information. Ypu can ask to speak to one the doctor's also. I would be getting the hospital number and calling every few hours if you have to. But that is just me.
The more they get to know you on the floor he is on the better off in some regards you are going to be. Again, I am that way when it comes to getting information first hand about any family member. Keep us posted. Take care, Jane
I don't think I'd be allowed any info. My family dynamic is a little skewed. I was adopted and he wasn't so we are biologically brother and sister but not legally. Explaining my family situation would be a whole other post in of itself lol. I don't think I'd get anymore info first hand anyway. I am hearing the same thing from different family members that are there so I think what I know is really all there is to know. Everyone is the most upset that they still don't know what caused any of this to happen