Great day yesterday!
Hubby and I went up to the private college my two sons attend to help the new freshman class move in. Got to spend all day meeting new students and their parents,reassuring moms and dads, answering questions, and walking around campus to show people the way to buildings they were meeting in. The great thing was this was the first time in three years I had the energy to help with this! And to make it even better the dean of students came up,gave me a hug and told me how great I looked. She hadn't seen me since right after my surgery and almost didn't recognize me. This is exactly why I had my surgery--so I can do more and be living life! On the ride home my husband pointed out that I am now smaller than the one mom that I used to hate on because she was thin! One of these days I WILL see myself the way I really am!!
It must feel great! Having the energy to do these fun and important things with our family is exactly why I did this! It's great to hear other's stories of success. Congrats!
Start Wt: 355 Surgery Wt: 331 Current Wt: 253 Goal Wt: 175 Had RNY on 7/10/13
My blog about my journey - Up From Under