Anyone with plates/screws in their ankle (or similar area)? Input on this please...
I have 2 plates and 9 screws (titanium) in my left ankle due to a severe break I had back in 2004. I still have the hardware in my ankle and a scan showed about 2 years ago that arthritis was starting to settle in the joint there. I remember my last followup was in 2005 and the surgeon said I could have the hardware taken out, but there was a 50% chance of re-break. Because of that I never pursued possibly having it removed...I do have somewhat limited rotation of the ankle, when it's cold or rainy it throbs, and there's been subtle swelling there ever since the day I broke it. If you have a similar situation (especially in the legs and/or ankle) would you or have you had the hardware removed? Would you seek another consultation or just leave it alone? I had a type of break that they called a "step-off" and it was very complicated (they tried it in a cast for about 8 weeks before finally doing the surgery---I was in constant pain before the surgery, it was a nightmare). With having so many years of being overweight on the ankle also I know that cannot be good either....
on 8/18/13 10:50 am
I'd recommend revisiting your ortho surgeon and discussing the risks and benefits of removing it. Some points to consider: Is the limited range of motion tied to the presence of the hardware or something that can be improved with physical therapy? Would removing it when you get closer to goal reduce the liklehood of a re-break? Is it possible to wear a light brace to help with instability after hardware removal?
Good luck!
I was thin at the time of surgery (I was a teenager and had just lost about 80 lbs., and was around 130 lbs. at the time). They gave me the 50% chance of re-break before I ballooned back up in weight so I assume the risk has nothing to do with weight and more to do with the type of break I had. It's not really unstable but due to the hardware that's there I cannot rotate it completely the way I can my other ankle. I did have PT for about 8 weeks after surgery, there's no doubt the weight puts extra strain on it and add in the arthritis that's settling in, it's probably a mess...I would need to find a new ortho as I no longer live where I did as a teen, I definitely think I need another opinion and a re-check at the very least. Thanks guys!
Definitely go in for a consult! And even so, there may be some range of motion things you can do now to at least help it some. You lose nothing by going in to find out more.
I'm completing PT for pain in my knee after breaking off cartilage on my knee cap (the doc says removing it won't help.) It turns out that I walk with my foot rotated outwards (how I was walking when I hurt it and never stopped.) Some strength work and gait analysis has helped tremendously, and I was highly skeptical.
I had a total ankle replacement in 2004 with Stephen Haddad at Illinois Bone and Joint - he was one of the first surgeons in the country to do them. (I too had a bad fracture in 1998 - Chicago ice!!! - and have severe traumatic arthritis). Unfortunately.... losing140 pounds through RNY has not helped my ankle pain the way I'd hoped. I was just talking with one of the Docs at the OAC convention this weekend about what to try - he sugested Celebrex so I am going to make an appt to talk to my surgeon. Ankle injuries are really hard - the ROM of the ankle joint and the amount of wt bearing it has to do make it really tough to heal.
good luck