Another gallbladder question
I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it happens, it happens. I certainly don't miss mine at all! LOL
It's important to distinguish between gallstones because of surgery and gallstones after surgery. 600mg of ursodiol during the first six months drops stone formation to like 2%, compared to 32% in untreated patients. Even then, if you're in the 2% your stones may not be serious enough to require removal of your gallbladder. In other words, if you take ursodiol the chances of your gallbladder being a problem because of surgery is very small. Almost nothing.
However, that is not to say your gallbladder will never be a problem. It's the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States and you may develop problems all on your own. Developing gallstones 2, 3, or more years post-op probably shouldn't be blamed on the surgery itself.