Your surgeon's plan calls for eating nothing but grapefruit for an entire month after RNY?!? I assume it does not, so does your surgeon KNOW that you are eating only grapefruit? Also, what "choices" is your therapist helping you make if you are eating nothing but grapefruit?? Hope you don't mind losing a lot of muscle mass and a lot of hair...
Just so I don't get accused of being mean, if that is not the kind of response you want, here is an alternative: "That's ok, the ASBMS doesn't know what they are talking about. I am sure you won't suffer any ill effects from having absolutely no protein for an entire month or more." Sorry, I cannot even type that without feeling the sarcasm oozing from my pores, but I tried...
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Hi Laura!
EEK, the key here is that I'm struggling to eat more than grapefruit. Meaning I'm TRYING. I don't get much in but I do try. So the protein I get comes from my greek yogurt because I can eat it and not toss it. I am looking for more protein options but food generally makes me queasy. My surgeon isn't yet aware of how much or how "little" protein I'm getting because I'm not due to see him again until July 22, and my first appointment with my NUT is July 19. where I'm hoping to get some help in getting more in.
I'm only getting about 25 or so grams in a day. The goal is suppose to be 60, so I'm trying to push up, but again I'm doing the best I can. No one wants to suffer the consequences of lack of protein and of course ALL of my medical team emphasize protein as my number one goal. What I was meaning in my post is that the only thing I regularly eat a bunch of and enjoy is Grapefruit. It's not the only thing. Right now I'm thankful that Greek yogurt doesn't make me hurl. So far all of my protein shake attempts do and today I'm going to GNC to try the ISOPure. God willing it will work out. I'm happy to hear of any other things I can try because I'd love to get more in, but I can't worry myself about this as I'm sure as I keep trying to get it in my stomach will give as it didn't like greek yogurt at first but eventually it did.
I don't feel attacked by your post. I feel the love girl, you are concerned about my long term health as am I. :)
Thanks for clarifying. I am VERY glad to hear that you are getting SOME protein! If yogurt goes down ok, have you tried drinking milk? That would give you protein AND fluids until you are able to eat more. Skim, 1%, or 2% would all be ok (the difference in calories and fat is pretty negligible and you aren't getting enough of any of them right now)... whichever you prefer.
Are you able to drink any protein supplements? Even if the milky shakes make you sick, there are clear protein drinks and the Syntrax nectar powders which many people tolerate much better. A lot of people find that fat free refried beans are pretty easy on the tummy.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Thanks again...
I just found an awesome ready to drink protein called "Muscle Milk" no lactose. I love it! Because I have asthma I never drink Milk so I have a low tolerance for it with my breathing.
The sucky GNC near my house doesn't have a reasonable quantity for the price so I'm taking to amazon today. Really listening to this thread encouraged me to try harder. I'm also concerned that I'm malnourished in addition to the lack of sufficient protein in my life right now. I'm excited about this drink as it will enable me to get my protein in and not suffer the consequence due to a picky stomach. I tasted the ISOPure 40g's of protein in it so it was attractive.. However it's a huge amount of liquid and it tasted SOOOO sweet. :)
Seriously?!? You are a month out and eating pizza too?!? Based on the info you provided, I went out and looked at the nutritional information on it. You said it has 3g of sugar and 25g of carbs, so that means you are eating HALF of the pizza. At a month post-op??
What you failed to mention is that it has 350 calories and 18g of fat. Again, at a month post-op? Sorry... I am just completely flabbergasted.
At least the OP knew her choice was a mistake. Clearly you don't think it is. Wow. All I can say is good luck to you.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
My post-op plan called for eating soft foods starting on Day Three and moving on to things like chicken and tuna the second week. I had a baked buffalo chicken chunk about 9 days post-op and had no trouble at a.l (amd chicken causes troubel for a lot of people). I didn't have any trouble with anything I ate until I was about 6 or 7 months out (when I foolishly had a normal sized bite of an onion ring), with the exception of one dumping episode when I ate some high-sugar pumpkin pie at Christmas when I was only 4 months out. (The same three bites of pumpkin pie filling at Thanksgiving when I was only 3 months out was fine, but it wasn't a pre-packaged pie and had much less sugar; the one at Christmas that made me sick was a Marie Callendar's pie which is LOADED with sugar.)
Yes, it can be a bit scary to discover that eating things that are not on your plan doesn't make you sick, or that you don't dump. It does, however, reinforce the fact that the surgery is just a tool and that your food choices are going to be the most important component in the long run. (You could eat pizza every day right now and still lose a lot of weight... for about 6 months or so, anyway.)
Don't beat yourself up about it. It was just a very small bump in the road. Do, however, look at what you were feeling, what you were thinking, and/or what aspect of the situation contributed to you making a bad choice. That way, you will be able to avoid a repeat in the future.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.